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  1. 9lives

    kenya tree problem

    My kenya tree does that all the time. It will be extended most of the time and then it will be tightly closed for a couple of days,then great again.
  2. 9lives

    foam under tank

    The main reason for the foam is because no matter how hard you try,you sometime have trouble getting the top of the stand flat. It just makes it safer for you tank,especially if it's a large tank. I have 1/2inch pink foam sheet under mine because I got tired of trying to sand out all the...
  3. 9lives


    Peppermint shrimp love to munch on it. I started out with one in my tank,tried Joe's Juice and before I knew it I had about 20. I bought 3 peppermint shrimp and after 3 weeks I couldn't find one.
  4. 9lives

    brown algea growning on sand??

    You keep wanting to go back to the LFS. If you go there,buy yourself some more cleanup crew,turbo snails,various other snails(around 20-30 total),maybe some more hermits. Don't go adding chemicals to try and rid all of this,you'll do more harm to your tank than it's worth. New tank syndrom takes...
  5. 9lives

    Explain where your user name originated

    My last name is Morris. I grew up having to deal with 9lives and morris the cat.
  6. 9lives

    Try and Guess What Coral my clownfish will host?

    Well, mine likes to go between the GSP,the Hammer and the Frogspawn.It prefers the Frogspawn so I would have to go with that.
  7. 9lives

    New Tank and Questions????

    No! you can't just replace the bulbs.It requires new ballasts and such. I had 220w of compacts over a 29g and that wouldn't keep clams. For the upper tier stuff you need Metal Halides,a single 175 or 250w metal halide would do the trick. The fish and rock will do fine under normal flourecents.
  8. 9lives

    micro bubbles from sump + 75g skimmer advice

    You can also put a filter pad between your baffles and that will prevent microbubbles from getting to you return.
  9. 9lives

    Live rock question

    If you kept the salinity and temp within parameters and provided some water flow,it should be ok. It is also a good idea to throw some food in every once in a while to give the bacteria something to do.
  10. 9lives

    everything is turning green

    Your tank is still young, sounds like a standard algea bloom. Try putting less seaweed in for the tang and make him forage some. Also, do you have a cleanup crew?might want to add some more.
  11. 9lives

    Rookie Mistake... I think????????????

    Your sand and rock will provide the bacteria that you need. Some include a refugium in the sump whick can include any of the following-sand,live rock rubble,macro algea. My sump has 3 comparments,refugium(rock,macro algea),skimmer section and return section.
  12. 9lives

    Can I use my old freshwater tank?

    I converted my 29g fresh to salt without any problems. What most are concerned about is if you ever treated your freshwater with a copper treatment. Copper can seep into the silicone and leach out into your saltwater setup,therby causing problems. If no copper then no problems.
  13. 9lives

    Advice Please!

    Basically a reef tank is when you start adding the different types of corals. Alot will start with a "fish only with live rock(FOWLR)",once you start adding corals you need different lighting(if you want corals that require better lighting),different water flow and such.
  14. 9lives

    Advice Please!

    reverse osmosis/de ionized, I also have a 29g mini reef. I get my water from a local fish store for about 40cents a gal. I have a new 75gal tank sittint in the living room and plan to start putting water in it tonight. It may take me 4 trips to the fish store but I won't ever just put tap water...
  15. 9lives

    clown hosting xenia???

    My Perc clown switches between my large frog spawn,hammer coral and a very bushy GSP. He just moves between the three all day. Haven't had any problems.
  16. 9lives

    Green bubble spew...

    More than likely its waste,my brain coral does this all the time,usually a couple of days after a heavy feeding.
  17. 9lives

    Too Many Crabs???

    Like everyone is saying, Take your time. Your ammonia will come down as your cycle continues,you need to give some time for your bacteria to multiply. I wouldn't add anything else until your ammonia is 0,nitrites 0,and nitrates are low. Take your time,don't rush it!!!
  18. 9lives

    Slightly not Level Tank Stand [Advise Please!]

    The main question should be, is the top of his stand to the tank not level(as in gaps between the tank and the stand) or is the stand itself not level. If it's just the stand then level it using shims, if it's gaps between stand and tank, then use rigid foam between them.
  19. 9lives

    Power Compact for a FOWLR?

    I have been using one of the 4x55 Jebo fixtures for about a year now with no problems. Of course,the first thing I did was take everything out of the unventalated housing,mount the ballasts on a block of wood to allow air to flow around them and mounted the bulbs inside my canopy. Allow...
  20. 9lives

    50 volts in tank..copper wire ok for test?

    Also check that your light ballasts are grounded and also ground your reflectors. What you are seeing from the lights are usally induced by RF from the lights and ballasts. Ground everything good and that should go away.