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  1. danielsen

    Help Sick Clown fish

    Never mind. Mitch died at 7:00pm 7/21/05 he lost his battle to what ever it was. and was eaten by a emerald crab. That was my first death. but I guess that stuff happens. If any one has a idea what it might have been I would like to make sure the rest of the guys are ok.
  2. danielsen

    Help Sick Clown fish

    Ok, I have a sick clown fish. He has been acting strange for about a week now so I am getting worried. He has lost some orange color is some places and in others he is getting very dark. he keeps his top fin tucked in and also his bottom fins tucked in. He looks like he is fading. I gave him a 3...
  3. danielsen

    Should I change a good thing?

    Ok I know that some of you are going to ridicule me for this but I want to get some opinions. I have a 72 gallon BF tank that is FOWLR. I have a lot of filtration I figured more is better. My levels are great. PH 8.1 Nitrates 0.0 Nitrites 0.0 Ammonia 0.0 Salinity 1.025 w/ 2 gallons of RO...
  4. danielsen

    cocktail shrimp?

    I just took them out about 20 minutes ago. I got the ammoina spike after they where in there for 5 days. but I also have some live rock only 10 lbs. and for a 72 gallon tank that is nothing. :jumping: The shrimp real seamed to work for me. I tried using the powder cycle starter and it did...
  5. danielsen

    cocktail shrimp?

    I used 2 Very large cocktail shrimp. They are about 2.5 inches long. big but I have a 72 gallon tank and they are working well.
  6. danielsen

    brownish alge taking over

    Ok so it is normal. I did not use tap water I have a water system at the hose that puts out pure water. My shrimp are very fuzzy looking. I think I is because I left them in the shell maybe. that is the fuzzy looking part. Do you take the shrimp out of the tank ? I have read many different...
  7. danielsen

    brownish alge taking over

    I am cycling my tank with the 2 cocktail shrimp. They have been in there for 3 days. they where raw shrimp but now they look cooked and fuzzy. There is also this brownish alge growing on every thing. Is this normal or should I start to worry? I have tested the Ammoina and it is off the charts...
  8. danielsen

    Cycle Questions

    Ok thanks. it is off to the store I go for cocktail shrimp. I will have to keep the shrimp in the back of the tank so my little girl does not ask why they never move. Thanks for your help. Does any one know if i sould have the filter running while it cycles?
  9. danielsen

    Cycle Questions

    No fish yet. I did not want to get stuck with a fish that not going to get along with the others.
  10. danielsen

    Cycle Questions

    Ok, I have a question about my first saltwater tank. I have a 72gallon bow front tank. With one power head (I am getting another one), a wet/dry protien skimmer (not runinng during cycle) and a aquaclear hang-on filter (running during cycle). I have 10 lbs of cured live rock and 40 lbs of base...