Search results

  1. slammy16

    Best way to get a lion to eat?

    In my limited experience with lions this is what i did and it has worked so far. I have a Antennata which is about 3 inces long. He at frozen mysis at the store so i bought him. When i got him home i could not get him to eat silver sides or krill... was getting worried and frustrated...
  2. slammy16

    whats a good Angel?

    I really like the Potters angel. I have read were they are difficult to keep but, i have had mine for about 2 years with no problems, and he doesnt nip at any corals i have either.
  3. slammy16

    FS: Octopus Xtreme PS-150 Skimmer

    i bought it.
  4. slammy16

    Anenome Smoking !!

    i have had that tank and anenome for about 3 years it split once. I have never seen anything like this though. I had fed the fish around 5pm and then around 8 or so i looked and the water was all cloudy i thought my ballast was smoking or something until i got to looking. I tried to get...
  5. slammy16

    Anenome Smoking !!

    few more pics.
  6. slammy16

    Anenome Smoking !!

    quik pic.
  7. slammy16

    Anenome Smoking !!

    I have a rose bubble anenome and it appears as if smoke is coming out of the center of it. Its in a 12 g nano and when its in full bloom its about 8 -9 inches across. Just did a water change 2 days ago. In tank are 2 false perc. 1 fire shrimp and a green bubble tip which is alot smaller...
  8. slammy16

    Can anyone explain this

    I dont really have a problem with it staying on the glass. It fell off the one time and then the next day i could not reach it and then 2 months later its in a totally new location pretty far from where it was. Also it did not make its way there over the 2 month period it was over night. It...
  9. slammy16

    Can anyone explain this

    well thanks for the replies, Not sure i accomplished anything but it gives me some more ideas. I think it was a fish, Prabably the Naso or Emp.Angel.
  10. slammy16

    Can anyone explain this

    i have gotten the veggie clip out it was right there for me to grab. IM almost positive i do not have a mantis shrimp. I bought the tank from a guy in the military last june, he had it up and running for a year, the only other rock that i put in the tank was from my tank and my old tank was...
  11. slammy16

    Can anyone explain this

    About 2 months ago my veggie clip fell into my tank. I saw it on the bottom but was busy so i thought i would get it the next day. Well Next day comes around and i cant find the clip, after a little searching i find it back about 10inches from the glass underneath rocks and kinda wedged...
  12. slammy16

    help on next fish to add

    If you could spend a few more $ i would suggest a dwarf angel. Flame,Potters,Coral Beauty.
  13. slammy16

    Blonde Naso Tang Poll

    Hey now theres no "connection" stuff going on here the people obviously know a good picture when they see one. My fish is an adult and it looks like yours is still young maybe that helps my picture.
  14. slammy16 Photography Contest Rules

    This question has been some what answered just not sure. I took a picture of my juvi asfur angel, now the site does not list juvi's but has adults would my pic be considered?
  15. slammy16

    Asfur angel juvi.

    I didnt know if the site would use this photo or not? They dont as of right now have a asfur angel juvi available to purchase. Does anyone know the answer to this?
  16. slammy16

    Mandarin Goby

    Im reposting i spelled it wrong
  17. slammy16

    emperor angel changing

    Didnt know if this was a better picture, which one is better or is this illegal? sorry if it is
  18. slammy16

    blonde naso tang

    I think he is starting to get streamers...
  19. slammy16

    Potters Angel

    Right now i have him in a 210gl. I upgraded tanks about 6 months ago from a 72bow. While he was in the smaller tank my maroon clown would chase him around some and i thought after getting the larger tank it would stop, well it hasnt.. He still chases him around if he gets to close to the...
  20. slammy16

    Potters Angel

    Had him for alomst a year in a reef, hasnt bothered anything that i have noticed..Have shrooms, zoos, frogspawn, ricordia, green star polyps and so far so good.