Search results

  1. slammy16

    New Tank

    1 -2 lbs. of rock per gallon of tank. I think that is the rule of thumb.
  2. slammy16

    Feeding fish copepods

    Has anyone ever bought any copepods... i was thinking of purchasing some of a website that were freeze dried. I really want a mandirin goby but, have heard to wait until your tank has matured and even then they will eat all your copepods in a few months and then starve. So if i would buy these...
  3. slammy16

    "Mantis" shrimp

    I have seen one. Large. In my lfs. It was the craziest thing i have ever seen, was walkin or i guess running back and forth out of his little cave. The thing must have been 4inches long had crazy colors around its head with these weird disk things, man its a site i will never forget...
  4. slammy16

    Lionfish, watcha think/know?

    He looks good but, i already voted EH because i didnt see a piture.. sorry
  5. slammy16

    What are these things??

    prabably, if there about the size of a ball pnt pen.
  6. slammy16

    clowns help

    Well from my LIMITED experience with clown fish i have had good luck so far. I have one False Percula for about a week and then i bought 1 Gold Strip Maroon. The Maroon was my favorite and what is what i wanted from the begining but, i had asked if it was a good first fish and most people i...
  7. slammy16

    How many fish can I add

    IF im you i add a couple fish as long as your clean up guys are doing good. Im no expert at this so dont take this as gospel. If you have alot of algae on the back wall of your tank try a bi-color blenny i got one and he is a big pig, funniest little fish i have seen and with all your live...
  8. slammy16

    Maroon and False Percula

    This is prabably a stupid question but here it goes I have a small False Percula and small Gold striped Maroon clown. THey are buddies they stay by each other most of the time, when i see them in the morning they are usually together in a corner of the tank. The maroon is a tad more dominant...
  9. slammy16

    My new 90 Gallon Tank with pictures and updates and questions!

    Tanks will have been runnig 3 weeks on monday and i have 6 hermits and 3 tubos. Put them in on Monday at my 2 week date checked my water that day and was all good. My ammonia never got real real high its at 0 now. ALL snails and crabs doing good always eating. Going to add a bi color blenny...
  10. slammy16

    Tank overun with Bristleworms!!!

    even with proper water flow i really dont thing that EVERY part of the tank will have constant water flow. That being said i do believe it to be possible for some flake food to find a little spot to rest on the floor. Like behind some larger rocks and such.
  11. slammy16


    I got a refractometer off the auction website. IT looks better than the one on this website and i payed less than what it goes for on I would trust this thing over any hydrometer any day.
  12. slammy16

    Slugs or Worms

    if you look closer there are some others below.
  13. slammy16

    Slugs or Worms

    here it is
  14. slammy16

    What is the best for getting rid of waste?

    What kind of creature cleans up after others.. Like eating waste and stuff like that. I have some hermits and some turbo snails but, was thinking they were pretty much algae eaters.
  15. slammy16

    Slugs or Worms

    well i got a good picture of it but, the site wont let me post it right now. They are not spaghetti worms. When i say wave its like a wave in there body. Like the bottom of it swells and it moves the swell forward towards the head, thats how it moves. THe tail end of it is split like horns.
  16. slammy16

    Slugs or Worms

    Not sure what it is. Its transparent to white in color, maybe a 1/2inch long at most, moves around kinda like a slinky or like a wave gets big in the back and then the big part of the body moves forward it does it over and over to move around. I have quite a few i have tried reading some past...
  17. slammy16

    dragonets and blennies

    go to and read all about copepods.
  18. slammy16

    Identify Pic Please.

    hope its not a glass anemone. I have somthing similar but its bright red. Really dont know what that is either.
  19. slammy16

    2 Questions about some Clowns & Hermits

    Well, I did it. I bought a small gold striped maroon and i bi-color blenny. As soon as i put the maroon in the ocelarris and the maroon headed right for eachother and i was like crap here we go got to get him out should have listened to some people. Well they didnt do much, maroon came at him...