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  1. slammy16


    I have had no problems with my Mexican Turbos... i love them they do the best cleaning job by far. I also like the bumble bee i see them move alot at night. My nassarius are ok there active when i feed the fish they come zooming around from everywhere i dont know how good a cleaning job they...
  2. slammy16

    Dwarf Lion question

    Ya the more i looked on here and searched on the internet i found out it was a pretty crappy idea. Thanks for the help anyways and GO CUBS
  3. slammy16

    Dwarf Lion question

    I have a 10 gallon nano and wasnt sure what kind of tank to make it into. I had a idea today but dont know if it will work. Could i put a dwarf lion in a 10gl tank? If so i guess i prabably wouldnt put really anything else in, I was concerned on the size of the tank but i do know these fish...
  4. slammy16

    new powder blue hit the sheets

    Just got a powder blue here also and he is kinda scared of my clip of seaweed its only been a few hours so im not expecting much. HE is eating everything else i have put in and nibbling on rocks and anything with some growth on it.
  5. slammy16

    Whats Your Favorate Fish!!

    My Gold Striped Maroon Clown has to be my favorite, fell in love with them when i was just starting to consider getting a tank and i think they sold it for me.
  6. slammy16

    How Large to Emerald Crabs Get

    Was just wondering how big they get. I have 2 in my tank and the first one i purchased seems to have almost doubled in size he looks huge, With him getting so big i was starting to get worried about my smaller fish. Will he get aggresive on smaller type fish or are they just pretty peaceful...
  7. slammy16

    cleaner shrimp

    I feed mine i chunk of krill about once a week plus i think he eats left overs from everything else. He will hop right up in my hand and take it from me.. hes cool
  8. slammy16

    Gold Stripe Maroon in Bubble Coral

    here he is having a little fun.
  9. slammy16

    Gold Stripe Maroon in Bubble Coral

    Yep he/she loves it. Somtimes but not often he will go back in the bubble coral for a few run throughs... but, then quikly returns to the Long Tenticle.
  10. slammy16

    Gold Stripe Maroon in Bubble Coral

    well, My Maroon was looking like crap last friday i think it is from the bubble coral, his fins were ripped looking and he had a few other marks on there... I know that it wasnt another fish.. i dont have any fish that come close to him he kinda bullies other fish so i was thinking it was...
  11. slammy16

    Tang Question

    I have a 72 gallon tank and i was told "at the most 2 tangs.. and none that get too large" I did purchase a pruple tang the other day for my first one... i hear they are rather hearty.... I could have gotten a yellow but, to me it seems like everyone has a yellow thats why i went...
  12. slammy16

    my jawfish and my mandarine both died today.... what do you guys think????

    I could be wrong.. but, dont scooter blenneys and manderins compete for the same food? Maybe thats what happened to the manderin. :confused:
  13. slammy16

    Best Sand Cleaner?

    I have a Diamond Goby that is non-stop sifting sand through his gills and moving sand all over ... he does a real good job if you can tolerate him blowing sand up on your rock sometimes..
  14. slammy16

    can i mix clown species???

    This is prabably not the way to do it but, its what i did. I made my decisioins before reading these forums. My first 2 fish where a Royal Gramma and a False Perc. clown. about 2 weeks later i bought a GS Maroon clown. THis has been about 1 1/2 months ago and they are still fine but, I have...
  15. slammy16

    light ect..

    Thats cool, just thought i would ask. IF you get to a point were you have to get rid of them and will ship give me a yell. :D
  16. slammy16

    light ect..

    WOuld you be willing to ship the lights....? Live outside St. Louis.
  17. slammy16

    Gold Stripe Maroon in Bubble Coral

    Well i was sitting in front of my tank yesterday and was watching my fish... I have had a Gold stripe marroon clown for about 3-4 weeks he has always stayed near the top of the tank which was bothering me but, everbody i talked to said give him time he will come down and start hanging out all...
  18. slammy16

    Dead snail

    I have witnessed my first death. A astrea snail.... Is it ok to leave it in there and let everything eat him or should i get it out of there?
  19. slammy16

    cyano bacteria help

    ALso forgot to mention i shortend my time for lights being on by 1 hour and rearanged LR and positioned powerheads better and added a 3rd weaker powerhead, havent been feeding as much and lowered temp by 1 degree.