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  1. slammy16

    Anyone with a Marine Beta ?

    Today, i put money down on a Marine Beta at my LFS. I think these fish are beatiful but, am starting to have second thoughts about acutally bringing him home. I have a 72gl tank with a Maroon clown, Purple Tang, Diamond Goby, Six line Wrasse, Psychadelic Manderin with about 90lbs live rock...
  2. slammy16

    what can i add?

    People will prabably tell you a 55gal is too small for any Tang, I would not put a Angel in a 55 only a dwarf angel such as a flame or coral beauty or something.
  3. slammy16

    what do you all pay?

    Coral Beauty around 30 and pygmy around 25
  4. slammy16

    So when is a snail dead?

    If there dead you will see things coming over to eat them.
  5. slammy16

    Albino hermit ?

    do all Green hermits look this color? Because there is no green on him its a off white with red little spots.
  6. slammy16

    Albino hermit ?

    I will try to get a better pic. Dont know what kind this is he must have been mixed in with some when i bought them sometime. Are there Albino hermits/
  7. slammy16

    Giving up on clowns

    Something must be wrong, I have a clown that has a death wish but he keeps on living, he has survived ick, i had my pump quit on hiim so he had no circulation, then he survived my Maroon Clowns bad attitude, then he took a nose dive on the carpet have no idea how long he was laying there put...
  8. slammy16

    Gold Stripe Question...

    sorry i cant help you with the identification but, how do you get 2 GSM to co exist i have one and had thought about trying to do that.
  9. slammy16

    Is this Normal for a Purple Tang

    i have had my purple tang for about 2 months now he is about 2 1/2 -3 iches long and he is a good eater but, he has never been very mean to any fish in the tank. He is the largest in there except maybe my diamond goby. Well, i added a six line wrasse today its not very large maybe 2 iches...
  10. slammy16

    Types of food im giving my Manderin

    ya, he woofs em down seems to like the worms and the brine the best. I wish he was a little better at getting the food though he lets so many go by before he gets em. I have a diamond goby that just gorges himself so i kinda have to be careful on where the manderin is in the tank so that the...
  11. slammy16

    Types of food im giving my Manderin

    He eats Mysis, brine and i have been giving him bloodworms also. I always soak the brine in garlic but when i give the worms or the mysis shrimp i do not, is this correct? I have ordered pods online also to help with his diet. Besides the live food in the tank he eats what is the most...
  12. slammy16

    NFL thoughts

    AMEN Knots Cowboys fans all have the same weighted opinion. Not all but most are bandwagon fans to begin with.
  13. slammy16

    NFL thoughts

    As far as my beloved Rams.. im not sure. Stephen Jackson is suppose to be the starter now. The offense should be fine. The defense is a whole nother story, picking up Cokley was good but the secondary is scary and also they have no help opposite Leonard Little at the defensive end position.
  14. slammy16

    NFL thoughts

    With Oakland getting Lamont Jordon and the recievers of Moss, Porter, and Ronald Curry i think that is one of the best trio's around. Curry was starting to put it all together last year before he got hurt, i had him on my fantasy team. I dont know about there defense though could be there...
  15. slammy16

    NFL thoughts

    Not a big fan of either of these team but, My picks for the superbowl are: Minnesota vs. Oakland
  16. slammy16

    Mix clowns! Don't Mix clowns! ?????

    I think if you got another pair black ocellaris you would be ok. I just wouldnt go with the maroon or the tomato, like i said before im not King Neptune by any stretch of the imagination just from my experiences things havent gone as well as planned with these 2 types of clowns.
  17. slammy16

    host for maroon clownfish

    before i got a LTA he would live in my bubble coral, after about a week in the coral his fins looked bad so that is why i bought the anemone. He still visits the bubble coral every so often but, always returns to the anemone.
  18. slammy16

    Mix clowns! Don't Mix clowns! ?????

    Well i think its kinda up to the anemone if it stays in each corner of the tank, my LTA will move from time to time. My maroon would swim a couple of feet away from his anemone to get at NEMO and you could just watch him stare at nemo as he would swim overhead, I really dont think it was...
  19. slammy16

    Mix clowns! Don't Mix clowns! ?????

    I think its kinda a gamble to add a maroon. I had 1 false percula and then later added a maroon they were fine for a while until my maroon took refuge in my bubble coral then he was very defensive of his new home. I eventually bought a LTA for him and he moved out and is now livin in it but...
  20. slammy16

    Adding another Maroon? Can it be done?

    I currently have 1 maroon clown in my 72 gallon tank he/she lives comfortably in a LTA. She is about 2 1/2 inches long and is kinda bossy, now is it possible to add another Maroon to have a pair? Im thinking no, because most places that they are for sale there is only one in the tank. I...