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  1. slammy16

    cyano bacteria help

    I had the same problem.... i had it start growning in like 5 different spots.. First i used a eye dropper and tried sucking up as much as i could.. this was extremely frustrating and took a long time, i then got frustrated and scraped it off and tried to suck it up as it was flowing through the...
  2. slammy16

    Tang for 72

    I was wondering if i got ONE tang in my tank what would be a good kind... Naso? Gold rim? Achillies?
  3. slammy16

    Flame Hawkfish

    Are they a decent fish to have? I was possibly thinking about getting one, there are usually a few at my LFS and i think the way they look at me they are telling me ...TAKE ME HOME... Just kidding but, i wanted to hear from some people with these fish to see how they are with some inverts...
  4. slammy16

    LR hitchhikers - none?

    Just give it time. Once you see one thing then its like boom there is stuff all over the place that you never seen before.
  5. slammy16

    Acquascaping - 1st Try

    Ya, Leave some room around the glass so you can clean the wallls.. prabably about 3 inches.. enought to fit a magnet cleaner between. Go higher its better..
  6. slammy16

    Good or Bad Idea for water change?

    yes.. im using RO water.
  7. slammy16

    Good or Bad Idea for water change?

    well i did about 10gallons. Sorry i didnt state that i just filled up another bucket and then started on my other 5 gal container of salt water. I was planning on doing these about every 3 weeks or so.
  8. slammy16

    Good or Bad Idea for water change?

    I did my first water change a few weeks ago and was wondering if i did it stupidly or not . I used a empty 5 gallon bucket and started a syphon taking out water from the bottom of the tank. I let that run for a little bit then with a heater in my new salt water i started another syphon on...
  9. slammy16

    Am I being Paranoid?

    I have a green brain coral that i have positioned ever so nicely in the bottom of my tank on the sand bed floor. Well I purchased a diamond goby about 4-5 days ago now and he constantly is covering up the brain with sand. So when i see this i pick the brain out of the sand gently shake it off...
  10. slammy16

    Can Turbo Snails Affect Nitrate Levels?

    25 turbos.... I thought there was a un written rule 1 turbo per 20gallons o tank....
  11. slammy16

    Top 10 reasons a Saltwater tank is better than TV

    while the wife is watching tv you can get away and watch the tank...
  12. slammy16

    Getting a 10g Nano what can i expect

    Well on the auction site i got a 10g nano. Would a black and white percula be ok in there with a aneomne or am i pissin in the wind. I got a 72g a while back and im hooked on this hobby cant get enough. The only thing that is killin me is my wallet. Open to all suggetions...:joy:
  13. slammy16

    Royal Gramma

    I just posted the same thing about a week ago. I thought the worst i thought it was ick. Well he is doing better than ever, always eats good and is fairly active. The only reason i could think of for him doing this was i added some things to my tank that day and i also did some minor...
  14. slammy16

    Bi-Color Blenny

    well he has change into the picture that you see when you look at these fish. I dont know why or how or what maybe he was a juvenile? When i got him he was a light blue now a deep purple and a nice orangish color. Hes cool:happy:
  15. slammy16

    Powerhead location question

    I have a 72gl tank i have 2 powerheads a maxi jet 1200 and a seio 820. Where is the best location to put them.. Currently on the left side i have the seio its in the back corner facing the front jet is aimed aobut 45 degrees towards the middle and up ward. it is about 1/2 to 2/3 down from the...
  16. slammy16

    Cleaner Shrimp what to feed?

    I just bought a cleaner shrimp and at the store they told me to feed him pellets. I did not buy anything yet wanted to get on here and get a overall opinion. He has grabbed some flake food and some of the marine cuisine. Should i get some pellets for him? or should i just stick with what i...
  17. slammy16

    Royal Gramma Question

    Well i never did see any spots... And today i just got home from work and it was feeding time. He came out with everyone else and ate. He is not scratching hiself anymore that i have seen, still no white spots. Maybe im just being a over protective father. hehe. Thanks for all the...
  18. slammy16

    Royal Gramma Question

    I have had a royal gramma for about 2 weeks now, he sleeps under a few rocks comes out to eat everyday and has slowly ventured out further from his little safe spot. Well today a put in a couple new corals and a cleaner shrimp, i also cleaned the tank a little bit. Well now he is...
  19. slammy16

    Bi-Color Blenny

    Yes, He is becoming my favorite fish, i really like my maroon though. My tank had a bunch of algae on the back wall and he and a turbo snail have wiped it down to almost nothing. I did notice as much as he eats it comes out the other end just as often. I highly recommend these fish for...
  20. slammy16

    Bi-Color Blenny

    Do bi color blennys gain more color on there tail as they get older. I have had one for about a week now, he is doing good eating all the time poppin in and out of holes really active. His tail however is not near the goldish orange color like i have seen in books or in Fish stores. Maybe he...