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  1. slammy16

    How do you clean a bowfront tank?

    same thing here i have only used a mag float for my 72gl. no problems. Hold the mag float verticaly maybe that would help.
  2. slammy16

    mixing tangs

    DOnt do it, I made the mistake of trying something similar to that. I have a purple tang and tried putting a powder blue in with it a week later. Didnt work, Im sticking to one in my tank its a 72gallon.
  3. slammy16

    Emerald Crab, Info please...

    Mine are pretty peaceful towards everything except when a fish tries to look into the crack or hole they are hiding in, then they just wave a claw at them and thats about it. They ignore my corals and hermits as far as i have seen.
  4. slammy16

    FS: 30 gal cube set up.

    where in Indiana are you?
  5. slammy16

    155 Gallon Bow Front tank sale

    couldnt see anything on link
  6. slammy16

    Is this ok

    72gal. I forgot to add that im also soaking food in garlic before feeding.
  7. slammy16

    Is this ok

    I think, but not sure is that i had my purple tang and made a bad and wrong decision to get a Powder blue Tang. THe purple was trying to establish dominance over the powder blue and i think they stressed themselves to much. THe blue only lasted a week, looking back i know i made a mistake...
  8. slammy16

    Is this ok

    WEll i have had a outbreak of ick, has taken down a powder blue tang and a bi color blenny. It looked like my false perc had some so i was able to get him out and put him in a qt tank. I do have a purple tang that has some on him as well, i have been treating the water with 100% organic...
  9. slammy16

    What to do with Calerpa?

    i would try to weight it down with something rubberband to a piece of LR or something. Once its rooted down it spreads fast. I have regular calurpa i think it just kinda looks like grass. My LFS gave me a clump i stuck it down in the mud and it took off like wild fire.
  10. slammy16

    Fish Won't Eat Seaweed

    Your Powder blue should definatley like the seaweed. Im not sure but, it sounds to me like he might reallly be the only one that really would eat it. I leave mine in all day if my purple tang doesnt finish it off my mexican turbos come over and have a gourmet feast.
  11. slammy16

    Fish Won't Eat Seaweed

    It took my Purple tang about a week to eat my seaweed sheets. Now he loves em, he doesnt eat it all at once it takes him a few hours. I just rip off a small section about a inch wide and maybe 2-3 inches long and he comes a runnin for it.
  12. slammy16

    GS Maroon Clown taking away anemone food

    well i put the food close to its mouth then fed the clown he seemed pre-occupied with eating so he didnt bother it to much. When he did go and inspect what the anemone had i would put my hand close to the glass and he would pay attention to my hand instead of the food. IT worked this time so...
  13. slammy16

    GS Maroon Clown taking away anemone food

    ya thats what he did today.. I stuck a small piece of krill down on top of my LTA's mouth and the clown come over and took it right out he had to dig down in there to do so. thanks for the advice i will try it out.
  14. slammy16

    GS Maroon Clown taking away anemone food

    It seems everytime i try to feed my LTA a piece of krill or silversides my GSM clown will come in and take the food in his mouth and spit it out. Is this common ? Does he know better than i about when and what to feed a aneomne.. I have fed my anemone these things before, just lately the...
  15. slammy16

    Air Bubble in U Tube

    i think if you just let it be it will disapear before you know it.
  16. slammy16

    turbo snails all over algae sheets

    same problem here... I put a little piece of a sheet in and hope my tang comes and gets it .. well i get discouraged and walk away for afew and then i come back and i have to mexican turbos woofing it down... I have seen him start to peck at it but not realll attack it . I think im feeding...
  17. slammy16

    Let's see your favority pics

    Here are a couple of my favorites.
  18. slammy16

    True or False ?? Pic

    pretty sure its a false or ocellaris just wanted to make sure.
  19. slammy16

    True or False ?? Pic

    true percula or false