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  1. slammy16

    Asterina stars

    I have seen a few in my tank here recently and was wondering if a Harliquin Shrimp would eat these stars? I dont have enough to support one now but, in the future.
  2. slammy16

    75 gallon stocking list-updated

    2 perc clowns --ok hippo tang -- compatible but to small tank copperband butterfly --- compatible but possibly not reef safe if you add corals dwarf angel -- compatible Yellow tang--- compatible i think should be one of your last fish Manderin -- wait a year or more have alot of live rock and...
  3. slammy16

    75 gallon stocking list-updated

    I could be wrong on this but if you get a yellow tang i would add him last. They can be bossy.
  4. slammy16

    Marine Betta

    I had one for a while. It died when my tank crashed along with a few other fish. It took mine a little while before it started to eat, but when he did it had a big appetite i fed it mysis. It liked to stay in the shadows and was a fairly peaceful fish for looking as intimidating as they do...
  5. slammy16


    Is there any kind of butterfly fish i can put in a reef tank? 72gal?
  6. slammy16

    Any suggestions for moving anemone

    What are the best ways if any to move a anemone, I had a green and rose bubble anemones, the rose has split 2 different times so now i have 4 in my tank. I understand that i may have a good problem, but, i was thinking of selling one or both to my LFS. How do you go about getting them off of...
  7. slammy16

    Brand new to this...

    Just be patient, that is very important. As said above check your local papers and you can find good deals on tanks and lighting. I have a 72 gallon, i started last march and have upgraded my lighting 2 times, and let me tell you if you plan on having corals that lighting is huge.
  8. slammy16

    what fish can i get that will make my tank look really cool!!

    I would go with a Flame Angel, very bright you cant miss'em when your looking at your tank.
  9. slammy16

    Please Identify!!!!

    Go to the New Hobbists forum and on the top the first topic is hitchhiker identifications and you should find what your looking for. I think there brown or red flat worms i dont think that is good.
  10. slammy16

    clown hosting bubble coral question

    My Maroon hosted in my bubble coral and his fins looked like crap after a few days. I got worried and went out and bought a long tentical anemone and as soon as i put it in he went in it. He occasoinally would go back and sit above the bubble coral but never for very long. His fins looked...
  11. slammy16

    Whose From Illinois?

    Just east of St. Louiee here im in Collinsville
  12. slammy16

    So when is a snail dead?

    Well he's your fish, i just disagree.
  13. slammy16

    So when is a snail dead?

    Not to be a jerk or anything but, I think a 15gl tank is too small for a maroon clownfish.
  14. slammy16

    Marine Beta

    Ya.... Put it in there when i got my LR thougth it would add a little sea wreckage atmosphere... dont think it really worked. I had a bi color blenney that like the bottles. You really cant see but, on the far right side there is a smaller jar/vase the he used to go to .. He now sleeps...
  15. slammy16

    Marine Beta

    Scott AFB is about 10 miles from here..... Also the East side is not as bad as prabably you have heard... Just the parts right across the Mighty Miss...
  16. slammy16

    Marine Beta

    Here is the tank
  17. slammy16

    Marine Beta

    Im on the East side.... In Collinsville..... Was that O fallon Mo. or O fallon Ill. The store im talking about is Aquatic Treasuers are you familiar ? That is where i bought all my equip. they have always treated me fairly and there advice has been good. The one guy did tell me that...
  18. slammy16

    Marine Beta

    In my 72 prabably 90lbs.
  19. slammy16

    Marine Beta

    Well, The only thing i can say is my Manderin takes ALL prepared foods. You name it he eats it. I do order pods from time to time but, he eats mysis, brine, bloodworms it doesnt matter he just eats. Anyways... i do not think my Rock has a whole lot to do with it ... or am i just grasping at...
  20. slammy16

    Marine Beta

    I posted on Fish Discussion but no answers, Anyone have one of these? I have put money down on one to hold but am starting to re think my choice, Should i get him or not. I have a Maroon Clown, Purple Tang, Diamond Goby, Psychedelic Manderin, Six Line Wrasse in a 72gl. Am I adding to much...