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  1. slammy16

    GSM attack

    Collinsville area
  2. slammy16

    GSM attack

    I have a firend that could maybe take him. He is a very active fish and eats good he was looking like he had a bright future. Sometimes the GSM will swim away from his anenome (which is rare) to the other side of the tank and let the angel swim by his anenome and then he hurries up and swims...
  3. slammy16

    GSM attack

    I have had a GSM for about 2 years he is my original fish and has had several different tank mates. He has never really bothered any fish in the tank unless it was new and he would just chase them away from his anenome but that is all. Well i bought a potters angel about 2 months ago and my...
  4. slammy16

    Dwarf Zebra M/F ?

    I recently bought a Dwarf Zebra Lion and was wondering if you can tell the difference between male and female. I thought i heard to count the stripes but wasnt sure if that was for fuzzies or for both. And if you count the stripes on the body or on the pectorial fins.?
  5. slammy16

    diamond goby????

    Just be careful they are known as jumpers.
  6. slammy16

    Reef Tank w/ Purple Tang - what to add?

    As said above i would be more worried about the fish you decide to add than your Purple Tang. I have had one with a flame angel and a Potters angel and a copperband with no problems, the tang was added first then the others and after doing so i think i would have done it the opposite way...
  7. slammy16

    Wanting a dwarf lion

    I have been looking into getting a dwarf lionfish preferably a Fumanchu. My tank now is a reef tank though i do have a copperband and a potters angel with goodluck so far of them not picking at anything. If i got a dwarf would any fish pick at the lion? And is a fumanchu more difficult than...
  8. slammy16

    Skimmer water question

    My question is about the water in my skimmer. I have a cpr bak pak2 that is pretty loud and my tank is in the same room as the big screen. So from time to time i will turn the skimmer off to enjoy a movie or something. Now if i leave the skimmer off for 2-3 days and then turn it on is the...
  9. slammy16

    Bubble tip in nano

    i know what your talking about trying to get them off a rock or whatever. I usually have to wait unitl one will go close to the glass and then its easy to get em off but, sometimes waiting for that could be months. In the small tank i do have some green star polyps (pretty sure thats what...
  10. slammy16

    Too many???

    Tomato bad... mean mother effers
  11. slammy16

    Bubble tip in nano

    I have had a 12 gal nano deluxe for about a year now, i bought the display a guy had in his store. When i got home i added a rose bubble anenome that had split from the one in my 72gl tank. The anenome in the 12gl has done great ever scince i put it in it gets HUGE like 12 inches across or...
  12. slammy16


    i feed my spotted mandirin bloodworms from time to time. he seems to love em
  13. slammy16

    pic of clown in a bubble coral?

    This is my maroon clown about a year and a half ago, he would go in the bubble coral all the time but, it started to tear up his fins... So i bought a bubble tip anenome and he was hosting in that in about 1min after i put it in the tank.
  14. slammy16

    Yay new mandarin that eats frozen mysis!!!

    My manderin will eat mysis and it will aslo eat bloodworms. Dont know the nutritional value of the worms , but he really likes em.
  15. slammy16

    40 gal. ?

    What could you put in a 40 gallon tank thats aggressive. I was considering a dwarf lion. I have a reef tank and a small nano, I have a extra 40 gal. tank and was wanting to do something with it. really wouldnt put much else in with it just wondering what peoples opinions are on a small...
  16. slammy16

    75 Bowfront or 75 Rectangular?

    my bow is glass not acrylic
  17. slammy16

    75 Bowfront or 75 Rectangular?

    I have a 72 bow and i have never had a issue with cleaning the glass. It adds a little something to the tank with the curved glass not just a boring box. Whats 3 gallons of water anyways I custom made my hood and just hang my halides from the ceiling. the only draw back i see is when you look...
  18. slammy16

    Need someone to adopt my Mandarin Dragonet

    Mine will eat brine and Mysis but i think his favorite food is blood worms.. I dont know how nutritonal they are so i only give him those every so often. I have heard if you soak your brine in zoe that it will get more of what he/she needs. good luck
  19. slammy16

    coral beauty vs fire angel

    I have a Flame angel and he hasnt bothered a thing. When people come over to the house they immediatley notice that fish, he stands out with the bright colors.
  20. slammy16

    Trigger and puffer need new home St. Louis

    Dude that was posted about a year ago, so the answer is no they are gone.