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  1. slammy16

    What is this Crab ?

    Yes, That about as good a picture as i could get until he went back and hid.
  2. slammy16

    Question on Anglefish..

    a firend of mine bought a tank off a guy and he had a flame and a keyhole angel in a 125 and they never bothered each other. I just assumed that it was because the tank was 6' long and there was ample room to roam.
  3. slammy16

    What is this Crab ?

    Got this tank a few weeks ago and the guy i got it from did not tell me about any crabs in the tank. I seen this sucker walkin around at feeding time he grabbed a empty hermit shell and back to his little cave. Anyone know if hes good of bad
  4. slammy16

    Emperor Angel M/F ?

    Is there a way to see if you have a male or female Emp. Angel?
  5. slammy16

    What else can i add

    This tank was up and running for approx. 10 months before i got it. It used to house a 40" eel and a blue spot grouper. I did not want either of these things and the previous owner was able to move them to another person. So I dont think the tank is that young, 200lbs of the rock has been...
  6. slammy16

    What else can i add

    OK, Just upgraded to a 215gl tank. I previously had a 72gl bowfront which i had a Maroon Clown, Purple Tang, Six Line Wrasse, and Potters Angel. In that tank i prabably had 70lbs of live rock or so also. Now, In the big tank i got i have moved my livestock from the 72 to the 215. I...
  7. slammy16

    Aipstasia Help

    I got a copperbanded butterfly and he keeps them under control.
  8. slammy16

    Open for ideas

    Can you have a dwarf lion and a large lion together in the same tank? Or will the big one eat the other one when it gets big
  9. slammy16

    Open for ideas

    Collinsville about 15 miles east of St. Louis
  10. slammy16

    Open for ideas

    IT will have over 200lbs of LR. Its coming with 200lbs and i have about 90lbs in my current tank. I will prabably sell some locally because that just sounds like too much LR. I wont be doing any sharks that i do know. Puffers are something that intrigues me, Lions - Puffers good together...
  11. slammy16

    Open for ideas

    Dimensions are 72" long x 24" deep x 30" tall. Now i dont know for sure that it is a 215gl but, that is what i was told. The guy had a 40" eel dont know what kind, but it was green and a blue striped grouper. Another Tang would be kewl I like the Achillies but i have heard bad things. Also...
  12. slammy16

    Open for ideas

    I currently have a 72gl bowfront reef, I was lucky enough to score a 215gl reefready tank with sump, protien skimmer, live rock etc.... I have not got it yet but, was just thinking of what to put in there. The lights that are coming with it are power compacts so i really wasnt going to go...
  13. slammy16

    Can I add Gold Stripe Maroons with False Perculas?

    When i first got my tank i added a GSM (my favorite) and a False Percula ( wifes favorite) . They were the best of firends for about 2 months, that is when the GSM decided to host in a bubble coral, from that point on it was "Game On" with the nemo. SO i do not recommend it. I asked...
  14. slammy16

    Bubble anenome's

    THomas or Orphria have a opinion on this?
  15. slammy16

    Beautiful Saltwater Livestock & Corals

    What kind of zoos?
  16. slammy16

    Maroon wont leave corner. please help!!

    I wouldnt be to worried about it, When i first got mine he would never go deeper than 6 inches in the water. After a couple months i bought a bubble coral and after a week or so of checkin this thing out he started hosting in it. He would tear up his fins while rubbing around on the coral so...
  17. slammy16

    Bubble anenome's

    Ya i really dont agree with that or i guess i should say i havent seen any of that. When i took one out of the big tank to the small i didnt feed it and the bulb look came back. It has to be the lighting.
  18. slammy16

    Bubble anenome's

    bracebldrs--No i do not swap water from tank to tank, the only time they get some water mixed in is if i take a rock or a frag of something or a anenome to the other tank. SCSInet---I used to feed my anenomes some krill and occasional silversides but i really dont feed them regularly anymore...
  19. slammy16

    Bubble anenome's

    I have a 72gl reef and a 12gl nano. I originally started with one rose bubble in each tank. In my 72 my anenome has prabably split 5-7 times in the past 1.5yrs. I have scince traded some in on things etc.... I still have the original ( I think) and its doing fine its just the arms of the...
  20. slammy16

    GSM attack

    I got the potters from Marine Solutions, I usually use Aquatic Treasures scince its so close but sometimes on the weekends i will do the "world tour" of the St. Louis area. Update on the potters is he is still kickin, the lights wont really come on for a few hours yet so hopefully yesterday...