Can I add Gold Stripe Maroons with False Perculas?


I have 2 False Perculas in a 55Gal reef tank. Can I safely add 2 Gold stripe Maroons? Also, what Anemones will these clowns host with?


I want to breed maroons, so I've been asking a lot of questions on the subject, and I get the same response from everyone. Maroons are considered an "agressive" fish, and should only be housed with such. If they lay eggs and you try to take them out, the maroon will actually attack and bite a human. They are super mean and territorial fish, albeit beautiful. I have a 40 gallon setup for a mated pair to breed in. I just can't seem to acquire a still spawning gold band mated pair that is not "retired".

bang guy

Originally Posted by Urethekau
If they eggs and you try to take them out, the maroon will actually attack and bite a human.
I have experienced this, it's true.


Active Member
I have a mated pair of GSM's in a 215. They have been in the tank for about a year and they are laying eggs every 14 days. The pair is cool until you either 1) mess with either of the 3 anemonies 2) they have eggs.
They started a regular schedule after I introduced moon lights that follow the lunar cycle. Before the lights they laid eggs randomly.
Keep perfect water coditions, anemone and lunar lights and they will produce eggs hopefully.

I wanted to add a mated pari of perks but did not want to chance it....


When i first got my tank i added a GSM (my favorite) and a False Percula ( wifes favorite) . They were the best of firends for about 2 months, that is when the GSM decided to host in a bubble coral, from that point on it was "Game On" with the nemo. SO i do not recommend it. I asked this question on this website back then but, it was after i had already purchased them and i believe it was Bang guy who told me that this scenario would play out.