Identify Pic Please.


I have seen these things pop up in the last few days. Anyone know what they are. I thought they were a featherduster, but they are very very small like 1/4".


hope its not a glass anemone. I have somthing similar but its bright red. Really dont know what that is either.


Thanks, how about this worm. I have seen about 5 they come out of the rock and go back in when they see light.

salty cheese

Active Member
I have seen about 5 they come out of the rock and go back in when they see light.
Just in that one spot or around the tank?
Look up peanut or spaghetti worm.


Hey meemmoo
Looks like you're coming along nicely. Isn't it cool staring at your rock and seeing the stuff come alive. Kind of freeky too. How's the hydrometer working? Don't have any answers for you with your pictures. I'll leave that for the SW gurus. I have different creatures growing in mine. Just wanting to say hi and good luck. Ant.:D


Thanks everyone for your wisdom, glad to have such nice people to help.
Ant- You won't believe it but my hydrometer was off. I went to my LFS the good one in the area and they checked my water against their refractometer and my SG was really high like 1.028 and my hydrometer was reading 1.024. So the day I spent raising my Salinity was a waste. So yesterday I ordered a refractometer and started lowering my SG. Patience, Patience and more patience. At least they said my tank was done cycling and once I get my SG down I can add a cleanup crew cause I got Algae and Diatoms. I am going to get a picture of my tank now that it's in the wall. Thanks for the encouragement.


meemmoo-Glad to hear your cycle is done. How fun. I love looking at our crabs and cleaner shrimp. I'm hoping to add two clowns tomorrow. You got me thinking about my hydrometer now. It checks out with my lfs though. I guess it might be time to spend some more money! Look forward to pictures. I posted some pictures of my tank under "Ant." My tank is tiny comapared to most. Have fun!:D Ant.