clowns help


I have a maroon clown in my tank now, hubby went an bought a mated pair of true percula clowns that we have in the QT tank can I put them in with the maroon clown, I've heard that I can't but would like to hear from all of you on this :help:


Well from my LIMITED experience with clown fish i have had good luck so far. I have one False Percula for about a week and then i bought 1 Gold Strip Maroon. The Maroon was my favorite and what is what i wanted from the begining but, i had asked if it was a good first fish and most people i talked to said only if you dont want any other clowns. So that is why i put the F. Percula in first let him get kinda used to the place then put the maroon in. So far it has worked out great no fights at all the sleep side by side in the corner, the maroon does show some dominance while feeding but, other than that nothing. So i think it to be a bit risky to put them in with the established maroon but maybe 2 against 1 will change the maroons mind and he will leave them alone. This prabably didnt help much, just telling you my experience.

bang guy

IMO the Maroon Clown will eventually go on a rampage and kill the Percs. It could be a week, it could be 5 years but it will eventually happen.
The Percs will just claim a small corner but the Maroon will claim 9+ square feet of tank as her own.