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  1. bmw545

    Algae Problem?

    Thanks for the help
  2. bmw545

    Algae Problem?

    I have a real algae problem on my subtrate. I clean it every week and it keeps coming back. All my numbers are perfect, except my Nitrate which is at 20ppm and I can't seem to get it lower. My clean up crew is: (1) sally light foot crab (4) peppermint shrimp (1) cleaner shrimp (1) cleaner clam...
  3. bmw545

    Quick Queshtion.

    I would suggest to always rinse the sand. Since you didn't, if it doesn't clear totally up after 7-8 hours. I would do about 15-20% watre change everyday until its clear.
  4. bmw545

    anenome help

    I just got a purple tip anemone and it seems to shrink to nothing for a couple of hours or so and then it will fill up and look great. this continues to happen everday? Is this normal? :rolleyes:
  5. bmw545

    Over heating

    Thanks, Mason area
  6. bmw545

    Over heating

    I just put a canopy over my 90 gal. Since I did that, my temp. went from 78 to 82. My heater is unplugged and it remains to hot. Do I need to put in fans? If so, where can I pick them up? Is ther someone online to order from?
  7. bmw545

    sand cleaner help

    I have a 90 gal with major algae problem on my crushed coral floor. It is reddish in color and I can't keep it under control. What does anyone suggest to help clear it up?
  8. bmw545

    Feeding question?

    Thanks for your help.
  9. bmw545

    Feeding question?

    Where do i find clips to hang the Nori?
  10. bmw545

    Feeding question?

    OK I just bought me first fish ever and I bought it from this site. The fish is a Purple Tang. My question is how much do I feed it. I bought some frozen Brine Shrimp. I have been cutting off a section about 1/4 inch square per day. Is that enough? It always looks hungry. I dont' want to over...
  11. bmw545

    shrimp shedding shell?

    thanks. Should I remove the shell?
  12. bmw545

    shrimp shedding shell?

    I have four Peppermint shrimp and today I found a clear shell of wht looks like a shrimp. Is that normal?
  13. bmw545

    My first fish question

    have any of you ordered fish from this site before and what has been you luck?
  14. bmw545

    My first fish question

    Ok I just ordered my first fish, a Purple Tang. My question is, since this is my first fish, do i need to put it in a Qt tank? I know it is recommended to Qt all fish before introducing them to a tank with other fish. Since this my first fish, is it really needed?
  15. bmw545

    Clowns w/ hammer coral

    Will a Clown Fish host in a Hammer coral?
  16. bmw545

    Qt tank and new fish

    Should I pre treat with anything?
  17. bmw545

    Newbie here

    I recently set up my 90 AGA with a custom cabinet and canapy. With 100 lbs of cured LR and all stuff(sump, heater, powerheads, skimer......), I'm up to about 4K. The cured LR is about 1100 of it though.
  18. bmw545

    Qt tank and new fish

    I have a 90 gal. and I'm purchasins my first fish in a couple of days. I have a 10 gal QT tank set up. My question is, since I have nothing in the main tank, except some snail and hermits, do I have to QT the new fish? If yes, how long?
  19. bmw545

    Qt tank and new fish

    I am setting up a QT tank to put new fish in for a couple of weeks or so to make sure everything is ok before putting the fish in the main tank. Should I medicate the fish with some preventive meds. just to make sure? If so, what do you recommend?
  20. bmw545

    Heater Placement

    I have a 90 Gal. also. I have mine in the sump.