Search results

  1. crooper

    Fish selection

    Which of the royal gramma and dottyback are more active in the tank? Meaning which would I see more often in the daylight?
  2. crooper

    Fish selection

    I just got my reef package the other day and they seem to be doing well. I got a bunch of blue and scarlet hermits, emerald crabs, sally lightfoot crab, turbo snails, nassasarius snails, a coral banded shrimp, and 2 purple urchins. So cool to finally have something to watch in my tank! I'm...
  3. crooper

    Acclimate together?

    I just ordered a reef package from this site, plus a couple of urchins. All specify an acclimation time of 1+ hours. Can I acclimate all the crabs, snails, shrimp, and urchins in the same bucket, or should I separate them? How long should I actually acclimate them for?
  4. crooper


    Things moving in the aquarium! I've only had fish in there, no inverts. I'm excited to get some constant action. My kids will love it! of course all they care about is if I have a "nemo" ;-)
  5. crooper


    No problem there. I don't have any corals, and don't plan on getting any. Going for the FOWLR setup.
  6. crooper


    I'm getting ready to order my reef package from this site. I was also thinking about getting a couple of urchins, because they're cool and interesting to see. Is this a good choice? Are there some that are better than others? I'm leaning toward the purple spiny urchins just because they look...
  7. crooper

    Lighting for LR

    Do I need special lighting for live rock? Or will full spectrum fluorescents work? Do actinics do anything other than bring out the blue in the tank and make fish look cool?
  8. crooper

    Blueleg hermits and turbo snails?

    I've read all over this message board that blueleg hermits kill turbo snails for their shells. So why do reef packages combine these two? Is this really something I should worry about?
  9. crooper

    Cleaner or Coral Banded Shrimp?

    Thanks for all the quick help. Looks like I'll get the Big 20 + 1 reef package then. Lotsa critters!
  10. crooper

    Cleaner or Coral Banded Shrimp?

    I'm about to order a reef package for my 100 gallon and am wavering between whether I should get one with a cleaner shrimp or a coral banded shrimp. Which is better? I'm planning on having a fish only with live rock. My tank is established and fully cycled.
  11. crooper

    Air in sump pump return

    I recently replaced a dead sump pump with one that has 1" input/output. The piping that was originally installed was 3/4" rigid, with lots of 90 degree bends (I didn't build it, was like that when I got it). I read that you're supposed to try to keep the tubing the same as the pump, and use...
  12. crooper

    New tank, cleaning crew

    I have a 100 gallon tank that's gone through some bad times -- I lost most of my fish through various problems (making a newbie mistake, water and air pumps dying, power outages). I only have one yellow damsel left in the tank. I got new (and better!) pumps for my sump and protein skimmer, and...
  13. crooper

    Amount of sand

    My tank is a 100 gallon acrylic built into the wall between my living room and a bedroom in my house. It was constructed by the previous owner, and I'm in the process of rejuvenating it. It's been a fish-only, dead rock and sand, pretty darn boring to look at. I want to change that, but not...
  14. crooper

    Amount of sand

    I ventured to a LFS (Saltwater City in Bellevue, WA) this weekend and the salesman told me that very little (like 1/4 to 1/2 inch) is the most sand you should put in a tank, if any at all. Is this right? I was under the impression that 1" was a good amount. He also said that bioballs aren't a...
  15. crooper

    Cleaning used sand

    I just got a 5 gallon bucket of wet aragonite sand substrate from someone. Free is a very good price. The sand is used (obviously) and smells really bad, which I would guess is H2S from die off. Should I clean the sand, and if so, how do I go about doing it? Just rinse in deionized water?
  16. crooper

    New PVC plumbing

  17. crooper

    QT tank questions

    Thanks for the responses. I presently only have 2 fish, both about 1.5 inches long, so probably not a big deal. I plan to put my fish in there during my aquarium "remodel". So the cycled water in the tank will seed the biowheel with what it needs to do biological filtration?
  18. crooper

    New PVC plumbing

    I'm putting a new water pump in my tank and have decided up upgrade to 1" plumbing (existing is 3/4") with more flexible tubing instead of 90 degree fixed piping. How should I clean or prepare it before hooking it up to my tank? I've assembled the fixed portions with PVC primer/cement and it's...
  19. crooper

    QT tank questions

    I have a 10 gallon tank that I used to use for freshwater sitting out in my garage. I want to use it for my QT tank for my 100 gallon. It has an Eclipse biowheel setup. What do I need to do to get it prepared for saltwater use? How do I clean it? Is soap bad? Do I start it with tank water...
  20. crooper

    Freshwater dip?

    Do only fish need a freshwater dip? What about inverts? How long does the dip need to be? I assume it should be distilled or RO water right? Is a tank considered a FOWLR if I have a invert cleaning crew and no corals?