Fish selection


I just got my reef package the other day and they seem to be doing well. I got a bunch of blue and scarlet hermits, emerald crabs, sally lightfoot crab, turbo snails, nassasarius snails, a coral banded shrimp, and 2 purple urchins. So cool to finally have something to watch in my tank!
I'm planning on stocking my tank over the next few months and want to know if the following fish would work well together, as well as any thoughts on the order I should introduce them.
Fish Plans:
2 percula clownfish
yellow tang
lawnmower blenny
purple pseudochromis dottyback
royal gramma
yellow damsel (he's the only fish in my tank right now)
also I was thinking about getting a cleaner shrimp
I have a 100 gallon setup with sump, bioballs, and an air-driven protein skimmer, about 1-2" of aragonite sand, and algae-covered rocks. I don't plan on getting any corals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crooper
purple pseudochromis dottyback
royal gramma
Those two won't get along, so pick one or the other.


Which of the royal gramma and dottyback are more active in the tank? Meaning which would I see more often in the daylight?


I think they would both be visible, but I think (anyone correct me if I am wrong) that the psuedochromis would be more active.


no defineetely get the gramma... i have one.. such a beautiful fish.. and always out and about... unless you scare him


Active Member
My royal gramma is always out and about. Hes nosy too. He always has to see what im doing around the tank. Hes the referee. Sometimes my clowns with fight with each other and he comes over and seperates them. Very cool fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by damselsrck
I think they would both be visible, but I think (anyone correct me if I am wrong) that the psuedochromis would be more active.
I agree that the dottyback would be more active. But you also have to be careful of what other fish you put in there. I've had one that went after a lemon peel angel


Originally Posted by HaLo_Frk03
no defineetely get the gramma... i have one.. such a beautiful fish.. and always out and about... unless you scare him
u wont go wrong with the royal gramma... trust me... hes such a beautiful, peaceful fish... he gets along great with my other tank mates... hes always swimming around the tank... trust me i have experience with them... then again every fish is different... but generally most fish are the same
it is ur decision... and personally the pseudochromi is ugly compared to the gramma the grammas colors are so vibrant! and bright! its the first thing i see when i look at my tank!