I just got my reef package the other day and they seem to be doing well. I got a bunch of blue and scarlet hermits, emerald crabs, sally lightfoot crab, turbo snails, nassasarius snails, a coral banded shrimp, and 2 purple urchins. So cool to finally have something to watch in my tank!
I'm planning on stocking my tank over the next few months and want to know if the following fish would work well together, as well as any thoughts on the order I should introduce them.
Fish Plans:
2 percula clownfish
yellow tang
lawnmower blenny
purple pseudochromis dottyback
royal gramma
yellow damsel (he's the only fish in my tank right now)
also I was thinking about getting a cleaner shrimp
I have a 100 gallon setup with sump, bioballs, and an air-driven protein skimmer, about 1-2" of aragonite sand, and algae-covered rocks. I don't plan on getting any corals.
I'm planning on stocking my tank over the next few months and want to know if the following fish would work well together, as well as any thoughts on the order I should introduce them.
Fish Plans:
2 percula clownfish
yellow tang
lawnmower blenny
purple pseudochromis dottyback
royal gramma
yellow damsel (he's the only fish in my tank right now)
also I was thinking about getting a cleaner shrimp
I have a 100 gallon setup with sump, bioballs, and an air-driven protein skimmer, about 1-2" of aragonite sand, and algae-covered rocks. I don't plan on getting any corals.