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  1. puddinpop

    Porcupine ??

    when i took down my aggressive fish tank i sent my porcupine puffer about 2 inches long to my mom and set him up in a 10 gal salt water tank just him and a hermit crab to big for him to eat he has been there for over a year and is doing better now then he was in my 165 gal tank. he eats live...
  2. puddinpop

    Lionfish with fishing line in his mouth

    i would call and tell who ever makes that stuff what happened maybe the line in made to disove in case of such a problem they should have thought of that before they marketed it
  3. puddinpop

    Snowflake eel???

    i had a SFE and he was a pain in the butt he was blinder then a bat and would bite anything that swam past him he bite the puffer and lion fish (suprized he lived after that) and hand feeding was out of the question i tried it once and he drew blood i started feeding him fresh feeders he did eat...
  4. puddinpop

    Lion Fish Wont eat

    i had a lion fish for along time til i switched to a reef tank i always fed him live fresh water fish ( rosies and guppies) depending on what the pet store had i always got goast shrimp from walmart and those were his fav. they are also fresh water but with the way lion fish eat i would go with...