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  1. nosliwekim

    PVC Color toxicity?

    cool, thanks!
  2. nosliwekim

    PVC Color toxicity?

    Hi everyone, Just wondering why everyone seems to go with white pvc tubing. I'd think with a black background the black pvc would blend in a lot better. Just wondering if the black pvc contains anything thats bad for a tank. Anyone go from white to black? Problems? Thanks in advance for the...
  3. nosliwekim

    Aquarium Actual Nightmares, Normal?

    Originally Posted by nikolai Pun! lol I thought i would try to sneak that one in there :hilarious
  4. nosliwekim

    Aquarium Actual Nightmares, Normal?

    Seeing as how people are already starting to wonder from fish related nightmares to non related ones I'll play too. Being an avid zombie movie fan I very occationally have related dreams. They usually involve heavy suburban home style warfield prep before the invation. Its always fun planning...
  5. nosliwekim

    Live Rock for sale in CT **cheap!!**

    Its probably already be worn down to sand
  6. nosliwekim

    Live Rock for sale in CT **cheap!!**

    Originally Posted by scoobydoo Original post was 2002! 3 years ago. :D :sleepy: but I'm not the only one that failed to notice that...why are they still posted? who'd wanna waste the storage space for such old chats? Or maybe i'm just rationalizing my own stupidity
  7. nosliwekim

    Live Rock for sale in CT **cheap!!**

    Originally Posted by slappy just wondering if the rock is still for sale?? Ditto
  8. nosliwekim

    Aquarium Actual Nightmares, Normal?

    Originally Posted by Speg Once you're into anything that you put a lot of feeling and thought into you'll find you're gonna have dreams/nightmares about it. My brother refers to a dream he had as the 'butt plankton'.......................... where he was injected by alien plankton and the only...
  9. nosliwekim

    check out my home refug

    Nice...I have mine coming soon. Can't wait. What are you using for lighting for the refug?
  10. nosliwekim

    Aquarium Actual Nightmares, Normal?

    Just wondering if anyone else has nightmares about bad things happening to their tank. Mine last night involved me trying to net a fish that was chasing another one and the waves i made built up enough to crack the glass. Then there was the water damage and the downstairs neighbors, and dead...
  11. nosliwekim

    My Very first reef tank

    What do I know though, I'm still building up my equipment arsonal right now. waiting for delivery Got a 48" 260 watt corallight PC 2 150 watt won bro dig. heaters 40# sand (I know I need more) but will get at LFS 55 gallon tank - previously used for SW 48" 24 LED moonlight water purifier with...
  12. nosliwekim

    Coral breeding

    Now that you mention it...i started on the right track.. but then i got excited
  13. nosliwekim

    Coral breeding

    Originally Posted by ViPeR_930 I've heard of a few people who have had SPS corals and anemones spawn in their tanks and even taken pictures and videos of it. I think it is a very rare event in home aquariums though. Hi there, when you see spawning going on should you turn off filters and...
  14. nosliwekim

    Coralife pro

    Originally Posted by evieb Do you have a cover over your tank? I plan on putting mine as the top of my canopy. Will I need a glass cover? :notsure: Hi there, I've heard people speak out against putting covers over the tank due to trapping heat and all. However, they also prevent things from...
  15. nosliwekim

    lidless tank

    Couldn't you just get a screen cover to put over your tank? That way you still get good ventilation, keeps bugs and other baddies out and you can rest your light right on top. Just a thought. Anyone see any bad side to that? besides corrosion if you dont use stainless steel screen. You can...
  16. nosliwekim

    Wave Maker

    But seriously though...what if instead of buying a wavemaker you just got something automated that swivels?
  17. nosliwekim

    DIY Chiller Extra Cheap

    Originally Posted by dburr Your ice would melt fast. If you want to fill the bucket every hour...... Same with the frige, it would warm up and be "on" all the time. Their goes the electric argument. You would be spending the electric and not get the cooling. Do you have a chiller? Is it really...
  18. nosliwekim

    Wave Maker

  19. nosliwekim

    anemones in my filter

    Originally Posted by fliotta Hi. This is my first post ever but an amazing thing happened. My 2 Anomones disappearead for a couple of week and I just thought they had crawled under a rock or maybe died and deterioated (Im kind of a newbie). Anyway, while doing my maintanence I found them both...
  20. nosliwekim

    Wave Maker

    Originally Posted by ReefNut That's why it's IMO but I think most experienced sps keepers would agree. It has been "proven" that sps corals do better in random flows. Strong directional flow can kill a sps coral. Now if someone is running 45x it's most likely pretty turbulent but how many run...