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I've heard of a few people who have had SPS corals and anemones spawn in their tanks and even taken pictures and videos of it. I think it is a very rare event in home aquariums though.
Hi there, when you see spawning going on should you turn off filters and skimmers? I would think that they would just suck everything up
What do I know though, I'm still building up my equipment arsonal right now.
waiting for delivery
Got a 48" 260 watt corallight PC
2 150 watt won bro dig. heaters
40# sand (I know I need more) but will get at LFS
55 gallon tank - previously used for SW
48" 24 LED moonlight
water purifier with deionizer
corallight 2 timer powerstrip
Have already:
2 different hydrometers - one floater one cheap crystal sea
digital alarm thermometer
grounding probe
a jebo 180 Hang On skimmer
another skimmer
(will see which one works better and off the other one)
right now i'm debating getting this refuge/sump from some auction site whose name I can't remember

If anyone wants to IM me i'd be very happy if you would look at it and tell me what you think.
I know I'm forgetting stuff I have and stuff I already ordered. I know that I need to get a refracto-do-hickie and a reef testing kit, and LR. Anyone think of anything else I should get?
BTW what would you all suggest for amount of live rock? for a 55 gallon...dimensions are like 48(h) * 13(d) * 20(h). I wasn't thinking of of doing any severe amount just because I don't want the tank looking like it just has rocks in it....I was thinking 30-45 pounds