Coral breeding


Active Member
if i am not mistaken, most corals are asexual, which means they will produce a copy of themselves through splitting. right? I know mushrooms and polyps and things will. along with anenomes. They will break themselves in half, grow some more, then do it again.


I was watching this show and it showed female corals produce many eggs and the male corals produce sperm cells they both go into the water and mix when the feral eggs settle that they slowly grow into a coral. I'm not quit sure what the sientific nome is but I saw it.


Active Member
I've heard of a few people who have had SPS corals and anemones spawn in their tanks and even taken pictures and videos of it. I think it is a very rare event in home aquariums though.


Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
I've heard of a few people who have had SPS corals and anemones spawn in their tanks and even taken pictures and videos of it. I think it is a very rare event in home aquariums though.
Hi there, when you see spawning going on should you turn off filters and skimmers? I would think that they would just suck everything up
What do I know though, I'm still building up my equipment arsonal right now.
waiting for delivery
Got a 48" 260 watt corallight PC
2 150 watt won bro dig. heaters
40# sand (I know I need more) but will get at LFS
55 gallon tank - previously used for SW
48" 24 LED moonlight
water purifier with deionizer
corallight 2 timer powerstrip
Have already:
2 different hydrometers - one floater one cheap crystal sea
digital alarm thermometer
grounding probe
a jebo 180 Hang On skimmer
another skimmer
(will see which one works better and off the other one)
right now i'm debating getting this refuge/sump from some auction site whose name I can't remember :D If anyone wants to IM me i'd be very happy if you would look at it and tell me what you think.
I know I'm forgetting stuff I have and stuff I already ordered. I know that I need to get a refracto-do-hickie and a reef testing kit, and LR. Anyone think of anything else I should get?
BTW what would you all suggest for amount of live rock? for a 55 gallon...dimensions are like 48(h) * 13(d) * 20(h). I wasn't thinking of of doing any severe amount just because I don't want the tank looking like it just has rocks in it....I was thinking 30-45 pounds


Active Member
if you dont want a lot of rocks, id say go around 60youd be surprised how little 30 pounds is, esspecualy in a 55. but it depends on what type of fish you want to put in it anyways. some fish need more room, some need more places to hide.
and by the way. wahts with the complete and utter highjack of the thread man? i suggest makeing your own. youd get more responses anywas.


Active Member
The reason we often don't see spawning in several animals we keep is because there are no "cues" for the animals. Many rely on phases of the moon, tides, temperature cues, etc and our tanks are so stable it doesn't really happen...but it is not impossible or unheard of.