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  1. johnny84

    In Wall 125 Gallon set-up

    great thanks, I will post pics this weekend of the progress
  2. johnny84

    In Wall 125 Gallon set-up

    yeah I plan to have all that in mine as well, what type of skimmer are you getting or already have
  3. johnny84

    In Wall 125 Gallon set-up

    so I dont need to have such a big tank as a sump? A 50 gallon would work fine ?
  4. johnny84

    In Wall 125 Gallon set-up

    I am currently running a 55 gallon corner saltwater reef tank and just started to finish my basement. I got my hands on (2) 125 gallon tank that I am going to have in a wall. I am actually going to build the wall. One will be the display tank and the other will be the sump and I am going to...
  5. johnny84

    looking into a blue jaw trigger!

    yeah I am hoping to find a smaller one once my build is complete
  6. johnny84

    looking into a blue jaw trigger!

    110 gallon too small ? Would one work in a 125 Gallon ? I'm in the process of building a 125 gallon in wall tank and was thinking about getting one for my tank when its finished.
  7. johnny84

    125 Gallon Stock list

    yeah I am not looking to put any large Angels in the tank
  8. johnny84

    125 Gallon Stock list

    ok great thanks
  9. johnny84

    125 Gallon Stock list

    Hey everyone, I just got my hands on a 125 gallon reef ready tank. Right now I have a 55 Gallon reef that has 2 clowns, a sixline wrasse, pygmy angel, firefish, bicolor blenny and a Mandarin. I am looking for suggestions on what type of fish I should get for the 125 gallon tank. What do you all...
  10. johnny84

    mandarin question

    I really dont know. I have a very peaceful tank, all my fish get along, they are always swimming together. I tried some frozen blood worms one time, I saw him eating them, then I tried some frozen mysis and brine, he ate both of them as well. So I guess I just got lucky. I dont really have...
  11. johnny84

    mandarin question

    I'v had mine for over a year now, he is very healthy. When I first got him he would hunt all day and night, now he just hunts during the day, I also got him to eat frozen food, so that is a plus. At night now I find him under a rock sleeping. I wouldnt worry unless you start seeing him get...
  12. johnny84

    mandarin question

    yes they are always on the hunt for pods, this is normal behavior.
  13. johnny84

    Is this a Purple Anthia ?

    I have not seen her eat yet, I was going to try some live brine, what do you guys think ?
  14. johnny84

    Is this a Purple Anthia ?

    Doh !!
  15. johnny84

    Is this a Purple Anthia ?

    Originally Posted by crt81 How many fish do you have in your tank? What are they? I have 2 clowns, 1- red velvet wrasse, 1-mandarin, 1-purple Fridimani, 3-B/G Chromis, and 1-firefish, and now the Anthia. I got the Anthia for $19.99, so I thought it was a steal. The Anthia is in my main tank and...
  16. johnny84

    Is this a Purple Anthia ?

    ^bump, Anyone ? I looked up Purple Anthias and they really dont look like the one I have. Any suggestions ?
  17. johnny84

    Metal Halide Question??

    in my travels I noticed that my yellow fiji leather did better under the 20k lights, everything else I have is doing better now that I switched to the 10k bulbs, everything but my yello fiji leather.
  18. johnny84

    Is this a Purple Anthia ?

    Here is a random pic of my tank, I love my Red Velvet Wrasse
  19. johnny84

    Galaxea Coral

    I have a suringe that I use.
  20. johnny84

    Galaxea Coral

    yeah Ive been reading all kinds of different things about it. I read this one article that said to keep it low and under a "cliff" because it doesnt need a lot of light, but everywhere else I read it needs high light, which is ok I have it near the top of my tank.