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  1. snwboarder

    FS: Fredericksburg, VA - Figi Ultra Premium LR, Great Coralline Coverage

    zip code is 22508 for anyone interested
  2. snwboarder

    FS: Fredericksburg, VA - Figi Ultra Premium LR, Great Coralline Coverage

    Hi All. I have about 150lbs of Figi Premium live rock that I'm selling off. Rock has great coverage of coralline algae. Asking $3.50 / lb, and am willing to ship at buyers expense or you can pick up. PM if your interested.
  3. snwboarder

    GFCI Keeps Tripping

    wow, only 2 weeks? that sucks; they're uri bulbs, which i've heard good things about, but who knows, could be a bad batch. i went ahead and ordered new ones online, so guess i'll find out when they come in. i also have 2 - 250w mh's, so that might have something to do with shortened bulb life as...
  4. snwboarder

    GFCI Keeps Tripping

    thanks for the responses everyone. the bulbs came together with the retro kit i put together, and as far as i know the wattage is matched up. i've only had the lighting system up and running for about 4 months now, so they should still have life left in them...but i'll go ahead and pick up...
  5. snwboarder

    GFCI Keeps Tripping

    Yea...the ballast came with the quick connect, which is pretty funny to me, because the 2 mh ballast's i had to wire myself, and no problems with those at all, only having probs with the prewired ballast. makes no sense to me they can go off...and all i do is unplug and wait a few...
  6. snwboarder

    GFCI Keeps Tripping

    thanks for the reply bojik...i'm new to all this stuff...what's a quick on ballast? :notsure:
  7. snwboarder

    GFCI Keeps Tripping

    updated progress....i placed a surge protector between my timers and the gfci, and seems to remedy the trippin problem; although it's only been about 5 days without problems...the gfci had tripped 2 times in the 3 days just prior to putting the surge protector in. a whole new...
  8. snwboarder

    Help with sponge

    that sucks...i was really hoping i'd be able to save it; how long was yours exposed?
  9. snwboarder

    Help with sponge

    If a sponge is exposed to air, is there anything I can do to give it a better chance of survival, or am I just waiting for it to die? Here's the story...I picked up an orange tree sponge at a LFS that i'd never been to before (nor ever will again). I never trust any advice from any lfs that i...
  10. snwboarder

    GFCI Keeps Tripping

    disreguard that last response, and thanks again for the input's late...brain not workin as well as it; i have my surge protector running after the timer, and you were saying to run one before the timer and after the gfci; that's definately a very good option at this...
  11. snwboarder

    GFCI Keeps Tripping

    thanks for the reply bojik, i might try that, only thing is that the gfci has tripped when the mh's go off too (not near as many times), but they are running on a surge protector after the i dunno; i'm goin outta town (roommates keepin an eye on the gfci while i'm gone), but when i...
  12. snwboarder

    GFCI Keeps Tripping

    Originally Posted by SCSInet This is exactly what would happen. The UPS needs to come before the GFI. makes sense, thanks scsinet
  13. snwboarder

    GFCI Keeps Tripping

    hey scsinet, one more question for you; if i were to place my gfci directly after the wall outlet, prior to my ups, would that even give me the protection...or would the ups just kick on it's power if the gfci tripped and put me and my inhabitants at risk? just curious, to give myself another...
  14. snwboarder

    GFCI Keeps Tripping

    Thanks for the info scsinet, definately sounds like you know your stuff. Right now I do have a surge protector after the timer that controls my mh's (to give more timed outlets) but not one for the actnics. I'll try relocating my gfci to the other side of my timers, and if that doesn't do it...
  15. snwboarder

    GFCI Keeps Tripping

    oh yea, i just remembered, most of the time the gfci trips, it's when the actnics turn off (so the mh's are already off), so i'm thinking that the current isn't too much, but I don't know. It has happened when the mh's turn off as well...but the majority of the time it's when the actnics turn off;
  16. snwboarder

    GFCI Keeps Tripping

    Thanks for the response bojik; i'm not sure what my gfci is rated for, but right now I have the lights (2x250w mhs and 2x110w actnics), fans, 3 majijet 900's and 250w heater running on the gfci that keeps tripping; my return pump and skimmer are both running through another gfci. I have...
  17. snwboarder

    GFCI Keeps Tripping

    Thanks for the reply, it's not a GFI recepticle, it's the inline type that you plug in. It's my understanding that using a gfci is very necessary...but maybe I could run the timers without one, and run all pumps/phs/heaters on a seperate line with a gfci....any other opinions?
  18. snwboarder

    GFCI Keeps Tripping

    Doesn't happen everyday, but sometimes when my timer clicks off either my actnics or mh, my gfci will trip. This is getting to be a big problem, and I can't figure out what's going wrong. I'm running 2 different timers, both Coralife digital, one timer for actnics with moonlights alternately...
  19. snwboarder

    Id Help Please

    thanks bcott and tangs for the quick reply, I searched on here and that looks right. He seems healthy to begin with, so hopefully he'll do ok for me
  20. snwboarder

    Id Help Please

    Can anyone tell me what this coral is? The polyps are teal in color, and bright florescent under the actnics, and the skeleton is branching and like a honeycomb. From what I could find from researching, the skelaton looks like Pocillopora, so I'm thinking that might be it...but I'm new to...