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  1. devilshand

    Safe Fish?

    I was recently informed that my cleaner wrasse was not a good purchase for my tank. I baught a 6 line wrasse today and was wondering if it would be an alright addition 2 my small tank. Its a 40 gal tank. It has 1 cleaner wrasse, 1 yellow eyed tang, 2 chromis(soon to be 1), and a bicolor blenny...
  2. devilshand

    Lower light anemone

    IMO you should have any anenomes becaus there mortality rate is very very bad in home aquariums and the dont die in the wild so they should all be left on the reef. :D
  3. devilshand

    Cleaner Wrasse Killing!!!!

    By the way i checked and it is definately a cleaner wrasse and not the mimic. Thank You.
  4. devilshand

    Cleaner Wrasse Killing!!!!

    Well i didnt know about the mortality rate or i wouldnt have gotten one and i guess all i can do is hope that he lives because he is eating and seems to be doin very well. he cleans my yellow eyed tang, my blenny, and my chromis and doesnt seem to be bothering any of them i also have a six line...
  5. devilshand

    Cleaner Wrasse Killing!!!!

    No shrimp in my tank at all. i'm getting ready to add some sexy shrimp, and i'm pretty sure it is a cleaner wrasse not a mimic.
  6. devilshand

    Whats Your Favorate Fish!!

    Definately the Atlantic Blue Tang. Only fish i have in my 40 gal. that has carnation corals. and he gives it plenty of life. :happy: :happy:
  7. devilshand

    Good corals for low light

    I have a carnation coral that i specifically set a tank up for because i had to have extremely low light. any time i put one in a tank with too much lighting it doesnt do well at all. Well considering how hard it is 2 keep one alive anyways. So depending on how long your tank has been set up i...
  8. devilshand

    Cleaner Wrasse Killing!!!!

    Can any one tell me if my cleaner wrasse was what killed my firefish. I havent added any fish within the last 4 months except a cleaner wrasse that i added to my tank about a week ago and all of the sudden the fins on my firefish were getting smaller and smaller till there was nothing left and...