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  1. drock77

    Help Ich

    My fish keep swaping ich between each other. One day my flame angel will have it then it will go away but then my scopas tang will get it and then it will go away but my purple tang will have it! What do I do?
  2. drock77

    Tridacna crocea clam

    I have recently added a Tridacna crocea clam to my tank. Does anyone have one of these clams and if so how much light and flow do you recomend. Also, is this a good clam to have. Will colors be bright? :notsure:
  3. drock77


    I now have a scopas tang, and what i am adding is a chevron tang and a purple tang. Anyone see any problems? Its a 110 gallon tank with 100pds of LR in it
  4. drock77

    Changing Tanks

    What time frame do you think? When will I know if it is and when its over cycling?
  5. drock77

    anemones being sucked into powerheads

    Help, how do you prevent anenomes from commiting suicide during the night. Ive had three very expensive ones catch themselves in powerheads in the last two months!!!!!!1 :mad:
  6. drock77

    Changing Tanks

    I am about to change tanks from a 58 oceanic to a 110. Here is my plan on how I am going to do it and any recomendations would greatly be taken. I have many pieces of coral and about 7 fish. I also have 60pds of LS and about 35pds of LR. My thought was to put my fish in my QT and get another QT...
  7. drock77


    10 to 20 times total or each powerhead should produce that
  8. drock77


    How much water flow should a 110 gallon aquarium have? How many powerheads, also how powerfull should they be? Should I have some on the bottom of the tank as well?
  9. drock77

    Changing tanks

    Changing tanks from a 58 oceanic to a 110 gallon tank, and needing some assistance on doing so..... how do i swap substrate, fish and coral that are alive and kicking in my 58, to my new tank at the same time, without damage. I will need to add to my substrate so that i will have a 3 in deep...
  10. drock77

    Anenome Killed in powerhead

    I had recently bought a cheap five dollar white anenome at my LFS and the thing got caught up in my powerhead. I was out of town for two days and know my tank is cloudy and merky looking. Is this fatal for my two clowns and my long tenticle anenome and what do i do to clear the water? Water...
  11. drock77

    sea clone 100

    Any tips on adjusting this skimmer and is it a good skimmer to have?
  12. drock77

    Chewed up Clown

    Help, i have a 29 Eclipse that is just for clown fish. I have a pink skunk, a percula, and a damsel in there and i just introduced a marroon clown and they have eaten him up. I have him now in my HT, what do i do now?
  13. drock77

    Water Changes

    I bought live sand, how deep should it be?
  14. drock77

    Water Changes

    the sand is about an 1 1/2 in deep and when i changed the substrate i put the cc i panty hose in my sump. i have been taking out one bag at a time every week.
  15. drock77

    Water Changes

    I have recently after a year of suffering swapped my substrate from CC to LS and i couldnt be happier. I have a 58 oceanic and when i used to do water changes i would vacume my CC. Now with the LS how do you recomend me doing water changes? Also, my nitrates are still present any suggestions.