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  1. easy88

    Which Ic The Better Choice

  2. easy88

    thedocta's reef with pics at 48 days!

    nice tnak what are u running for power heads and filtration
  3. easy88

    now thta my tank is here it is time to decided what it is goin to be

    yeha a 65 gallon will eb large enough for a dwarf lion and a snowflake eel and maybe one other fish but draw backs is i cant have any corals so if late ron in life i want to switch out ill ahve to get rid of my fish and start anew
  4. easy88

    now thta my tank is here it is time to decided what it is goin to be

    at first all i wanted was a community tank but now i figure i could either do that or get a predator tnak and have a dwarf lion and an eel and mayeb one other fish in this 65 gallon tank. i know the pros and cons to having each one and i also know the dangers of keep a lion fish but i would liek...
  5. easy88

    operation ivy is sick

    its not like they are a new band or anything i mena its an old ska band and back in there day they were sick
  6. easy88

    operation ivy is sick

    still no one has answered the call do any of u poepel even know who operation ivy is
  7. easy88

    operation ivy is sick

    yeha but i choose to disobye those basci rules of society so often for no apparent reason its becuase im a kid
  8. easy88

    operation ivy is sick

    the comment being no one told me what is right and wrong so my views may be altered
  9. easy88

    operation ivy is sick

    its not my fault i have no role models and think up stuff myself
  10. easy88

    operation ivy is sick

    i know
  11. easy88

    operation ivy is sick

    has any one been in any good fights lately i all of a sudden got in liek 2 fights in 2 days the violence round my area is on the rise or it might be cause im angry and its summer anyways the second fight was about operation ivy the band soem kid siad they were fags so we threw down i finally one...
  12. easy88

    A ticked off teacher!

    i myself being a kid can say that thier are a few kids who have political view that are thier own and not copie catted off thier parents. i am one of them but thats only becuase my parents give me hardly any guidance religious political or practical anyways some kids did somehtign leikt hat at...
  13. easy88

    Random Quote Time!!!

    wtf mate this better work boy i dot twant to wind up working on your mothers emu farm. Homer simpson aw man!!! i got honey on my knees. fast animals slow children .family guy
  14. easy88

    price tags are far to high for a kid to afford

    biked it down to 7-11 to pick up a tradin post it is quite helpfull i will make calls tomarow
  15. easy88

    price tags are far to high for a kid to afford

    hey you are form va beach, thats sick. its quite a nice place. but anyways i have been to animal jungle and fish safari and i did not know that they took trade ins a fish for store credit. i went to walmart and did not find that 55 gallon setup i actually went to 2 walmarts. sorry bout the...
  16. easy88

    price tags are far to high for a kid to afford

    actually i ahve scouted the papers only a few things 3 tanks to be exact and 2 of them expected me too take the fish that were in the tanks! yeha right. i i could go the diy project but im alittle cramped since im kinda in the midst of a major car build. i ahve checked ---- but most is local...
  17. easy88

    space could be a problem

    good piont but i mena i dont know how much actually room is in the tank which is the first thing i need to knwo befor ei buy sand and or live rock
  18. easy88

    space could be a problem

    yeha no one locally sells it and it 's alot easier not to mention cheaper to buy direct but ir eally want to know how much soace that thing takes up cause it may limit my fish keeping abilities
  19. easy88

    space could be a problem

    yeha and liek a wet dry and room for a protien skimmer in back
  20. easy88

    space could be a problem

    if i got a tank that was 50 gallons and it had a contianed filter how muhc living area for fish might that take up