Search results

  1. bvdov

    Worst skimmer in the world

    I would definitely take you up on it.
  2. bvdov

    Diy Live Sand!

    What happens if you were to use just regular play sand from Home D? The kind that does no fizz? Would it still become live?
  3. bvdov

    Interesting fish

    Might get a jawfish. Was thinking about 5 or 6 fish total. I could use one "oddball"
  4. bvdov

    Interesting fish

    Any suggestions as to where to get seahorses at a reasonable price?
  5. bvdov

    Worst skimmer in the world

    I have a Red Sea Prism Pro Delux. I have had it for several months and have still not been able to get it to skim consistently. Do you guys have any suggestions? Thanks!
  6. bvdov

    maroon clown

    why not place some large, flat pieces of rock over the sand so he cant get to it? What about using window screen under the sand and anchored by the rock so he is not able to do too much damage?
  7. bvdov

    Interesting fish

    I was hoping for some suggestions on an interesting fish for my tank. The only fish that seems to fit the bill has been a Niger Trigger. I would like something with a ton of personality, and brilliant color. This fish would have to be under 6" or so. Any suggestions to bring my tank to life...
  8. bvdov

    Stocking my 44 hex

    Does anyone have any suggestions on stocking my 44 gallon hex tank? This is a FOWLR tank and I would like the most bang for my buck so to speak. I have a skimmer, but I am also looking for a better one, so any suggestions on your favorite skimmers would also be great. Ideally, I would like...