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  1. ghoti

    LS Question(s)..

    I intend on lettig everything cycle for quite some time, and I'd put inverts in before and fish or corals. My main goal with this tank would be a "local fauna" display. Plus, I could say, "I caught those" instead of "I bought those".
  2. ghoti

    LS Question(s)..

    I am buying an 80g tank and want to build a reef in it. I am starting from a dry tank. I dive and have to make special arrangements to harvest LS. I've read up on harvesting my own fish (it seems easy enough), but I think that can wait for now. If I bring up 2 or 3 five gallon buckets...
  3. ghoti

    Can I use beach sand?

    I know a few Gulf divers, I'll ask them what the lay of the sand looks like.. I seem to remember it being relatively silty... But that may just have been a bad bank from a renourishment.
  4. ghoti

    Mostly newb

    Ok, not a hogfish... Royal Gramma.... Looked close... And its at least 3" now... But, I'm going to check my other LFS for peppermint shrimp for my problem.
  5. ghoti

    Mostly newb

    This site says 3-5 inches.. I don't know.... I'm still pretty new to this.. I've done a lot of reading up on setting a tank up.. but not so much on fish species. Thats what I am going to be doing while I cure my 55 gallon tank starting in a couple months.
  6. ghoti

    Can I use beach sand?

    I am a diver in SW Fla, No problem getting to anything < 90 feet for me. What would be the best place to harvest my own live sand (LR isn't an option, not legal to harvest) ?? I have dived Jupiter reefs - 85' and all through the Lower Keys. Haven't done much Gulf diving, no viz... I fugure...
  7. ghoti

    Fish traps in the wild

    I also live on Gulf Coast, but I am Scuba certified. The link provided above gives the best guidance on tropical collection in Florida. You should also check w/ local office to see if there are any areas with collection restrictions (Usually State Parks or Rec Areas) I plan on doing most of my...
  8. ghoti

    tank help

    First, I can't answer that (yet)... Second, you just asked the exact same question 15 minutes ago in a different post.. Chill dude.. This isn't a very high traffic board... You could always bump your previous post too. (New here, but old to message boards)
  9. ghoti

    Mostly newb

    Yeah.. Aiptasia... (Re-read the Hitchhikers sticky thread...) I wish I had a pic.. They're pretty heavy on the top level LR. I may just treat the rocks they are heaviest on separately after the move. Peppermint shrimp you say... How many for 20Gal tank? To bad my LFS is herbivore only...
  10. ghoti

    Mostly newb

    I am buying an established 20gal tank. 2 Clowns w/ Rose Bubble Tip and a Spanish Hogfish. Lots of LR, but it is currently experiencing a glass anemone infestation. I have not moved tank yet from original location (next weekend I will be) and I was wondering if anyone had advice to get rid of...