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  1. atlfish

    cottonball like growth

    Thanks! I thought it was some sort of egg sack at first.
  2. atlfish

    cottonball like growth

    Hi guys:   I have this white cottonball looking grow on my live rock. Can anybody tell me what that is, and is it safe to have in my tank?
  3. atlfish

    Can't seem to fix ammonia

    cool. I had planned on getting more. my lfs sells it crazy cheap. 3 50 per lbs
  4. atlfish

    Can't seem to fix ammonia

    ok take a look.
  5. atlfish

    Can't seem to fix ammonia

    I have about 70-80 pounds of LR might be more. I really don't think there is any dead tissue especially with all the crabs. All I know is that my LFS said that the levels were through the roof and I needed to do a major water change. I have'nt really had any problems with accuracy with my hydro...
  6. atlfish

    Can't seem to fix ammonia

    I forgot to mention they use the same test kit as I do.
  7. atlfish

    Can't seem to fix ammonia

    Originally Posted by renogaw ehh, those test kits have consistantly been reported as inaccurate. you most likely have no ammonia. So how would know? I also get the water tested at my lfs and levels are high.
  8. atlfish

    Can't seem to fix ammonia

    Ok, in the last 4 weeks I have done numerous water changes in an attempt to get my levels under control. I have a 150 gal tank. Yesterday I changed out 30gals, two weeks before 15 gals, a week or so before that 15gal. The ammonia level always seem to be high. On a few occasions my nitrates where...
  9. atlfish

    Help! Levels out of control!

    by the way the sandbed is really shallow about an inch.
  10. atlfish

    Help! Levels out of control!

    No tap! Never, I go to walmart and get ro water. I did disturb the sand quit a bit. so that could be the problem. As for the Amonia. Im not really sure about the amoina. I could be fine and I just freaking out. I never had a problem out of it before. Yes I did test it, but the greens just seem...
  11. atlfish

    Help! Levels out of control!

    Im freaking out some my typing is off. right now i only have one niger and my lion but i do not want to lose them.
  12. atlfish

    Help! Levels out of control!

    tanks been set up about a year, year and 1/2. I just had a scotter benny who is fine but my 2triger and a lion. All small fish
  13. atlfish

    Help! Levels out of control!

    I changed out the water about 10-15gal cleaned the sand and wipped down the inside off the class
  14. atlfish

    Help! Levels out of control!

    For some reason my nitrates are shooting through the roof! I have a 35gal which I just did a major water change and cleaning last weekend, only to find my fish had died two day later. I just did another water change today but the levels are not going down. The amonia is a little elevated between...
  15. atlfish

    Live or Dead rock! Need quick answer!

    I put the rock in last night and just for kick tested the levels. I thought I was going to get something crazy but everything was just about right. I'll wait another day though and test again. Got another question. How deep should my sandbed be my 180gal tank? right now it's about 2" Im going...
  16. atlfish

    Live or Dead rock! Need quick answer!

    ok Im all done with the cleaning project which took a few hours. I'll wait to test the levels in the am. If everything is ok, what should I do next. Wait a few days to add any live stock or what? Right now all I have is about 8 crabs. I really need sugestions on a good cleaning crew for the tanks.
  17. atlfish

    Live or Dead rock! Need quick answer!

    Originally Posted by sepulatian I just re-read this. Yes it is fine to add into the new tank without fish. ok cool thanks! I got to get to cleaning! Getting the green algea off the back of the tank is going to be a project!
  18. atlfish

    Live or Dead rock! Need quick answer!

    No, the only thing in my tank is the crabs already had in mine. I didn't test the levels in the tank I took the rock out of. I didn't have time. It was a snatch and grab on my lunch break. LOL
  19. atlfish

    Live or Dead rock! Need quick answer!

    A buddy of mine lost the love for the hobby and just let his tank go. It has been sitting for a few months (Not running). There are no fish but amazingly his crabs were still living. I remembered that he had some nice pieces of LR so I told him to fork them over. (and yes, I rescued the crabs)...
  20. atlfish

    Changing Live Sand

    Originally Posted by metweezer How about trying an old credit card Hadn't thought of that! I'll give it a try