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  1. netta

    Dead BTA anemone

    I just experience the exact same with RBTA. After getting up, after working the night shift, I turned my lights on in the tank. My RBTA that I had for 6 months was stuck to the filter. After freaking out, my husband tried to save it with no luck. When I returned home from work today...
  2. netta


    My chocolate chip star had a feast on my Xenia. What can I do? :help: It completely destroyed the Xenia. I am switching my FOWLR tank to coral tank. Currently in my 72g Tank 4 Fire Fish 2 Paired pink skunk 1 Coral Beauty Angel 1 Yellow Tang 1 Six Wrasse 1 Diamond Goby 1 Neon goby 1...
  3. netta

    coral beauty and a yellow tang

    My yellow tang and coral beauty are best friends also. In the beginning, my family thought it was strange, and thought they were mating :thinking: , they look for food together. I told them that's impossible It's a joy watching them. I have enough live rock throughout my tank so they can...
  4. netta

    My 3 year old goin for a an EEG tomorrow

    I am sorry to hear your frustration of the medical field. Hopefully now you will find the answers that you need from the pediatrician and neurologist. I am a pediatric nurse specializing in the Neuroscience at Boston Children's Hospital. Here are a few helpful links that you can read up on...
  5. netta

    Strange growth on LR

    Thanks all. I'm currently at work (overnight RN); when I return home I will get a better or closer pictures. dougai: I'm in the heart of Boston. Thanks again...
  6. netta

    Strange growth on LR

    We have live sand and crush coral in the main tank. Because it is FOWLR, I wanted to add some color. So, No I am not getting rid of it. AllI want to know...what is the growth on my LR, not how to arrange MY tank. Thank you
  7. netta

    Strange growth on LR

    Any thoughts???? :help:
  8. netta

    Strange growth on LR

    Ok...Here is a couple of pictures.. My Nitrate level is 10..I forgot to add that in. I have not tested Ca.
  9. netta

    Strange growth on LR

    Hi All I have this strange growth on my LR. It appears dark brownish/black feathery :notsure: . The rock also have the beginnings of purple-ish coraline in spot. My hermit and emerald green crabs are all over the growth. Should I be worried? Should I try to scrub it off? 72 gallon bow...
  10. netta

    Help wanted

    Hello all, I really want to thank everyone for the wonderful advice given to me. At first I thought some was very harsh, and some unhelpful. However, after reading the postings, and taking notes from some of the advice, I do you realize that everyone was trying to be helpful. Thank you...
  11. netta

    Help wanted

    Originally Posted by Mr.P I know how you feel i've made and probaly still make mistakes and i feel completly bad and dumb, Just listen to what everyone has to say on here like i do and you will be just fine. I do believe some ppl over analyze things sometimes and seem like they care more...
  12. netta

    Help wanted

    Originally Posted by ophiura It is really important to say this to Netta - You've come here, and asked for help. This puts you into a very different group of people in this hobby, who saw a problem and wanted to learn how to fix it. The mistake that was made is a fundamental one, yes. It is...
  13. netta

    Help wanted

    OK..People easy now. I came here to ask for advice not to get beat up on :mad: . I do not have 30 in the tank, nor did I have 30 in the tank at one time. I don't believe I had 20 in the tank at the same time. If you would have read my post, this is what I got in total since I got the tank...
  14. netta

    Help wanted

    Thank you all for the advise. I am definately a novice at the saltwater fish. I can be so impatient at times. The bad thing, the store does not take the fish back. So hopefully no more fish will die. I have the testing kits, to peform daily or even twice a day testing. I will keep...
  15. netta

    Help wanted

    I recently brought a salt water tank, 72 gallon bow. We added a power filter, as well as dry crush coral, and live sand. We let the tank run for a week, with steady temperature averaging (80-84 degree), and specific gravity (1.022-1.024). Week # 2 we added :happyfish 3 green chromis, 3 pink...