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  1. lion24

    Mystery Fish

    That's striatus tang alright. We have so many of that here in the phillippines. It changes to pure black with some visible dark linings when adult and it will have visible tiny spot around the cheek up to the top of the eye..Its a total beauty when grown to adult size.
  2. lion24

    octopus lighting

    octopus are active during night time so if u wanna see some octopus in action turn off the lights. u can feed them of live preparations such as shrimps, sliced fish meat or live small fishes like chromis etc
  3. lion24

    saltwater fishes from the Philippines on sale

    Saltwater fishes from the Philippines on sale. :cheer: We offer large discount on prices guarranteed live delivery. Large selection available from damsels, clownfish, tangs, lionfish,triggers etc. :happyfish Please reply with your fish of choice and your location at e-mail address...
  4. lion24

    Fish only tank???

    try blue tang or yellow tang, wrasses they are colorful and hardy.
  5. lion24

    Lion on hunger strike?

    i experience that too. my lion don't eat for about a week and try feeding him in front of his face but no reaction too. so i never give him anything for about two days more then try feeding him with blue damsel and chromis after the 2nd day and he hungrily chase 3 of the damsel. so back to...
  6. lion24

    Most Expensive Fish?

    i got my rhinopius scorpions for $60, $32 for blue face angelfish, $32 for majestic angelfish. Im from philippines i just convert the price to $. Pretty cheap huh. but they are good
  7. lion24

    who has the rarest fish in their tank

    i have in my tank a cross between scopas tang and black tang. Its appearance is that 1/3 of its body down to its tail is pure black and the rest is somewhat yellow brown. its the first time i saw one of its kind so i think that too is rare.
  8. lion24

    Help! Dead fish everywhere!

    i agree with thomas712 about undergravel filter and crushed coral issue. in my experience what i do when almost all new fishes i put in my tank dies after 2days or so is to replace at least 30percent of the water in the tank with new ones then place your newly bought fish there after. It works...
  9. lion24

    Javanese (Neon Velvet) Damsel...

    neon velvet is a very aggressive fish. if you're planning to buy this fish be sure its the last damsel you will put in your tank. i have bad experience keeping this fish with new ones.
  10. lion24

    petshop in the philippines

    anyone who is interested in ordering saltwater fishes found in the philippines just e-mail me at