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  1. threenemos

    Yellow tang and red spots?

    After a few 10% water changes this week, Sunny is getting a lot better! Thanks for the advice and assistance!
  2. threenemos

    Yellow tang and red spots?

    Just finished 10% water change. Do you think this will begin to correct Sunny's condition? Should other treatment be taken?
  3. threenemos

    Yellow tang and red spots?

    What are your water readings? The readings are a little higher than I thought after testing water Monday. Ammonia: < 0.25mg/l Nitrates: 12.5mg/l Nitrites: < 0.3mg/l Ph: 8.0 Salinity: 1.020 We just did 10% water change last weekend after a 10% two weeks ago. *** I did notice something last week...
  4. threenemos

    Yellow tang and red spots?

    I have him in a 72 gallon right now. It is a FO tank that I want to covert to a reef, but that is a whole separate thread. Do you think the diet could be a cause of the lines? I wondered about feeding him so much shrimp, but he appears to love it with no impacts on his behavior or growth outside...
  5. threenemos

    Yellow tang and red spots?

    Originally Posted by lagatbezan ThreeNemos, I would recommend that you change the diet of your tang. tangs require mostly veggie diet. I would feed him more seaweed and greens like 70%-80% and less meaty food. I can see where that would make sense. All of this started when "Hawkeye" did not...
  6. threenemos

    Yellow tang and red spots?

    We have had the fish for three months.
  7. threenemos

    Yellow tang and red spots?

    Thanks for the help Beth. I will test water and post numbers tonight. Estimated feeding: 94% misis shrimp 4% brine 1% flake and pellet food 1% seaweed/algae(seaweed selects) We have a longnose hawkfish who eats the mysis, so Sunny eats it then too. He is in a 72gallon with only the hawkfish...
  8. threenemos

    Yellow tang and red spots?

    My tellow tang, Sunny, has what looks to be blood vessels that re becoming more visible and red below dorsal fin and on his tail. I am not sure what this is. He has been in the tank three months or so and has had these "lines and spots" for three weeks. Have any of you seen this? Do you know...
  9. threenemos

    72 g bow

    There is another thread on here with a 72 gallon bowfront owned by "iceemn360" and it is aweseome. Go check that one out... I have the same tank as well and I envy iceemn's set up.
  10. threenemos

    For 6 weeks Clown will not eat

    Originally Posted by snailheave it was sick from the beginning. attempting to eat and spitting out food right after is a sympton of a certain disease whose name escapes me at the moment... Something seemed to be wrong with him. I purchased him every kind of food I heard he might like, although...
  11. threenemos

    For 6 weeks Clown will not eat

    Originally Posted by diane4 Is it possible that someone else in the house is feeding him, your children or a babysitter? No, just me. My wife would be the only other option it was not her.
  12. threenemos

    For 6 weeks Clown will not eat

    Originally Posted by Speg Well did you try the cyclop-eeze or not? The fish passed away last night. The local fish store did not have cyclop-eeze. I found the cyclop-eeze on line and it was $30 to ship (had to be overnight) so I did not get it. Thanks again for your help.
  13. threenemos

    For 6 weeks Clown will not eat

    It seems like he is even more past the food stage than ever. He is weak and just watching it go by, not interested. He never has been inerested in food for some reason.
  14. threenemos

    For 6 weeks Clown will not eat

    You are right, he has been eating something... but I have not witnessed it and I was not worried (or tried not to worry) until I have started to notice him getting skinny. I will try this like you mention. Thanks for the input. Does anyone else have ideas or comments?
  15. threenemos

    For 6 weeks Clown will not eat

    I have tried everything I can think of to get my clown to eat (false percula). He has - frozen Mysis - frozen enriched Brine - two kinds of pellets (large and small) - some flakes - emerald entree For the six weeks I have had him, I have never seen him actively eat, but he has maintained...
  16. threenemos

    Bio-spira: Thoughts? Too good to be true?

    Originally Posted by hot883 So in theory, it did not work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you are allowed to say that on here, that is what I am saying. It did not work. Where I think it does work are two things we mentioned in this thread: 1.) Speed up normal cycle time 2.) Help with increased load of...
  17. threenemos

    Bio-spira: Thoughts? Too good to be true?

    I just used it when starting up my 72 gallon. LFS swore by it so I added it. A week later I added one yellow tang, three clowns, and a hawkfish over the course of a week. Exactly one week later I lost a clown and had a high ammonia reading. After an immediate 20% water change I lost another...
  18. threenemos

    New Clown Not Eatting

    How is this fish now? Better?
  19. threenemos

    Diet for False Percs

    What do you feed your clowns? Mine will spit out flake food, watch pellets go by, and chew on mysis and spit it out. I do not see them ingesting a lot of food....
  20. threenemos

    Bio Spire?

    Has anyone ever used this? Have you heard of others who have? Success? Failure? Comments please.