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  1. nimo1969

    Sfe ? What Tank Size ?

    anyone ? need ideas ? thanks
  2. nimo1969

    Sfe ? What Tank Size ?

    Think of getting SFE -- not sure what size tank would be ok ? wet/dry or sump with live rocks ? any thoughts Thanks
  3. nimo1969

    what fish can I put in a 5 gl refugium ?

    maybe sea horse ? any ideas :notsure: :help:
  4. nimo1969

    Hang on refugium ?

    If you had 3 hang on refugium would you put chato ,live sand ,live rock all of them ? Or would you something different ?
  5. nimo1969

    Hang on refugium ?

    Hi everyone 1.What are some thing I can put in the hang on refugium ? For fish only with live rock... thanks nimo1969
  6. nimo1969

    Overflow Not Flowing?

    Can Anyone Help On My Overflow ? Its Not Over Flowing Any Reason Why . Thanks Nimo1969
  7. nimo1969

    Sump ?

    [hr] Hi everyone I have a 150g fowlr ( 130-140pds of lr,live sand ) coralife skimmer 220, uv tuber twist ,rena canister xp2 ,hand -on refugium with mud and cheato .The tank is almost 1 1/2 years up and running . I made a sump out of rubbermaid its 30gallons not sure what to put inside the sump...
  8. nimo1969

    Sump ?

    anyone ?
  9. nimo1969

    Sump ?

    Hi everyone I have a 150g fowlr ( 130-140pds of lr,live sand ) coralife skimmer 220, uv tuber twist ,rena canister xp2 ,hand -on refugium with mud and cheato .The tank is almost 1 1/2 years up and running . I made a sump out of rubbermaid its 30gallons not sure what to put inside the sump ...
  10. nimo1969

    Chaetomorpha Macro Algae ?

    my tangs love it ( it a great treat for them ) koran angle also love it too
  11. nimo1969

    Chaetomorpha Macro Algae ?

    What is the best way to grow them in my refugium? Tell me if this a good set up ? 1. light is on for about 10 hours (flou light maybe 20 watt maybe more ) 2. refugium mud ,live rock and air pump ..... what is the best food to feed them ? Thanks for any feed back nimo1969
  12. nimo1969

    Do I need a skimmer for fowlr ?

    thanks everyone Any thoughts on coralife super needle skimmer ? Any ideas ??
  13. nimo1969

    Do I need a skimmer for fowlr ?

    Hi everyone Just not sure I have a refugium on 150gl with 120-130 with live rock ? Does a skimmer help or not ............ :thinking:
  14. nimo1969

    Any Thoughts On Prizm Pro Deluxe ( Protein Skimmer) Im Getting One Soon

    any thoughts on this product ?? :notsure:
  15. nimo1969

    Skimmer, Seaclone or Coralife?

    Any Thoughts On Prizm Pro Deluxe ( Protein Skimmer) Im Getting One Soon Thanks Nimo1969
  16. nimo1969

    how long do you leave metal halide lights on?

    Thank You Everyone I Have My On For About6 Hours A Day Nimo1969
  17. nimo1969

    how long do you leave metal halide lights on?

    I have a total of 560 watts ? I leave the cc fl on for about 10 hours not sure on the metal halide ..........
  18. nimo1969

    how long do you leave metal halide lights on?

    Hi everyone just wondering about that ?? some say 2-4 hours a day the lights are 2-150 w ???? thanks nimo1969
  19. nimo1969

    what can I do with 40gl.? aggressive tank?

    Thank you nimo1969
  20. nimo1969

    what can I do with 40gl.? aggressive tank?

    thank you feed back nimo1969