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  1. dirtshark


    about 1to2 gallons on my 100 and 1gallon on my 55 and 30 tanks per day,, for me.
  2. dirtshark

    need help silencing a sump

    i got a drilled 55 and having the same problem , so if any one has a good ideal on how to stop the water noise from the tank to the sump please post,
  3. dirtshark

    opinion pole meanest damsel

    it is amazing how these fish can take on there own personality , for good and most times bad. i have seen some dominos get really nasty once they get bigger. fish in a sense are like people give them something to fight over and they will ,, with fish its a rock , corner, powerhead ...
  4. dirtshark

    Sad Sad Day!!!!

    i agree , the ray mostly like had issues before for the crab got a free meal.. the ray was died before the crab ate on him.
  5. dirtshark

    Can yellow tangs fit in a 29 gallon??

    yellow tang be fine, in 75 by his self,, the problem will be when you want to another fish he will mostly like be aggresive toward it,, tangs you want to add last, and if you get more than one , add them all at the same time. just make sure they get a good diet of greens,,nori on clip is what i...
  6. dirtshark

    what would you put in 110 gallon?

    i have a 100, and have the following in it, maroon clown naso tang yellow tang red sea sailfin tang foxface blue throat trigger yellow damsel cleaner shrimp yellow watchman goby dragnet goby rock blenny i really like my tank , i have plenty of movement and everyone get along, except the clown...