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  1. kneescar

    plumbing options? Squidd or others...

    I'm an HVAC person. We use a ton of PVC Make sure you make nice, straight (square) cuts. Use a knife to cut the debris (PVC shavings if you've made a cut with a saw) away from the pipe end. Use PVC cleaner on both the fitting and the pipe piece. (You can use the purple PVC primer to do the...
  2. kneescar

    Emperor vs. small sump

    Thanks for the input. Sump recommended even if it's only a two gallon sump? Another in the pro collumn: I already have this mini sump, so I wouldn't have to spend anything. Oh. one more in the plus collumn for the sump... An Emperor 400 will not fit (measured one yesterday.) would have to...
  3. kneescar

    Emperor vs. small sump

    :help: I just picked up a 75 g. hex tank made by Clarity Plus. It looks very nice, and it came with a sump arrangement that hangs on the back. The system was used and came with lots of pieces and parts. I set the sump up on my mixing tank to try to figure out how it's supposed to work. The...
  4. kneescar

    Intrest in custom acrylic sumps?

    14701 Try DHL I've been very happy with them
  5. kneescar

    How often should a shrimp molt?

    Thanks. I don't think it's been more that once a month.. Just more than I expected. So far no more spots. I'm doing about 10 gal water changes every week.
  6. kneescar

    How often should a shrimp molt?

    Thanks. They're fun to watch. From what I've read, I would say another outbreak is imminent. We'll see. Should give me time to get the hospital tank set up. (I know, bad me)
  7. kneescar

    How often should a shrimp molt?

    I have two questions for whomever would like to answer. 1.) How often should a blood shrimp molt? I've had our blood shrimp in the 55g tank since June, and he has molted 4 times so far. (found another husk this morning) I assume it means that he's healthy and growing. 2.) Can a blood shrimp...
  8. kneescar

    New Tank

    It depends on where I end up putting it. If I build a stand for it, there's not much room for a sump. :happyfish If I put it in in a little nook between 2 windows, there will be room for a sump. I have a 10 gal aquarium that I was considering using for a sump for the 55gal anyway. I was...
  9. kneescar

    New Tank

    I have a 55 Gal. tank with about 20lbs of live rock and some fish and some crabs. I am the proud recent purchaser of a 75 Gal. hex tank. In spite of LFS recommendation (poor gas exchange) I want this to be a lionfish tank. I plan to start with some live rock and plenty of filtration. My hope is...