How often should a shrimp molt?


New Member
I have two questions for whomever would like to answer.
1.) How often should a blood shrimp molt? I've had our blood shrimp in the 55g tank since June, and he has molted 4 times so far. (found another husk this morning)
I assume it means that he's healthy and growing.
2.) Can a blood shrimp actually cure Ich?
I noticed that the shrimp would just not leave the Yello Tang alone for a few days in a row. Then I noticed the "grains of salt" on the Tang. The next day I read (on here) as much as I could about treating Ich. By the time I got home and checked, the Tang was clean. I don't quite believe it, and I'm waiting for the spots to show up on other fish, but it's been almost a week now.


My 2 blood shrimp seem to molt every 2 to 3 weeks,as for them curing ick i would have to say no they are not a cure,but they can help in a very big way if it is caught early on in the cycle,but at least they try and look great doing it.I love mine!


New Member
Thanks. They're fun to watch. From what I've read, I would say another outbreak is imminent. We'll see. Should give me time to get the hospital tank set up. (I know, bad me)

bang guy

1 - About once a month for a mature Shrimp. More often if it's young. If they are stressed or poisoned with something like Iodine or Copper they will molt more often. Molting more often than normal is a sign of unhealthy conditions, not a sign of health.
2 - No. A Blood Shrimp may pick off the external parasites but that's not a cure.


New Member
Thanks. I don't think it's been more that once a month.. Just more than I expected.
So far no more spots. I'm doing about 10 gal water changes every week.