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  1. fish fever

    Relocating My Fish

    I am thinking about moving the two fish I have in the nano tank to my 95g tank. I have kept both tanks for almost 1 year. The nano started to have some pump problem and the feeding lid broke. I want to move the clown fish and the 4-line wrasse to the big tank. Can they get along with: giant...
  2. fish fever

    my boxer crab

    Are these crabs safe to keep with pistol shrimp? I want to get one but afraid that the pistol shrimp in my nano will have it for lunch.
  3. fish fever

    Big Belly Trigger

    is it possible an internal parasite problem? I only feed them 1 cube of mysis shrimp per day, half a cube each time.
  4. fish fever

    Big Belly Trigger

    My Humu trigger has a BIG belly! He looks very bloated. He is about 1.5 inches. He is in a 95g tank with 3 chromis, a valentini puffer, a yellowtail wrasse. All of them are small, between 1 to 3 inches. My water parameters: temp 78.5 pH 8.2 Amonnia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 All fish look very...
  5. fish fever

    Stocking 65g

    here is the pic
  6. fish fever

    Stocking 65g

    I love mine.
  7. fish fever

    My first Agressive tank

    I don't think keeping two toby puffers in a 50g is a good idea. They will likely fight.
  8. fish fever

    Pics of My 95g

    Thank you for all your kind words. I really like the tank myself. All-Glass has a really nice product, very well made. I wish I could find the $100 deal here in Los Angeles. I am still very pleased even I paid $$$$$ for this setup. Here is the list of equipment I have G2 Protein Skimmer w/...
  9. fish fever

    Pics of My 95g

    This wrasse is about 3 or 4 inches. It is very assertive and not afraid of the trigger or the puffer in my tank. They fought over food during feeding but not too overly agressive. It sleeps in the sand and comes out during the day. It will grow much larger so I don't plan to put more fish in...
  10. fish fever

    Pics of My 95g

    It is 48x18or24x24. The widths are different for the two ends due to the design. Are you sure it was on $100 for the whole setup? I paid $800 just for the tank, stand and built-in overflow. Here is a full tank shot:
  11. fish fever

    Pics of My 95g

    It's a giant starry hermit crab. It's a brave little thing. The puffer and the trigger are leaving it alone for the most part. It is one of the first residents moved in the tank.
  12. fish fever

    Pics of My 95g

    Finally, fully stocked! All comments and suggestions are welcomed.
  13. fish fever

    Wrasse and Blenny

    oops! here are the pics.
  14. fish fever

    Wrasse and Blenny

    Here are the new members of my tank
  15. fish fever

    Red Coris Wrasse and Trigger

    I found a red coris wrasse in the LFS and really want to get that for my 95g. I have a valentini puffer, 3 green chromis, a giant hermit crab and 3 turbo snail in the tank now. Is it OK to add a red coris wrasse and a huma huma trigger? If I can add these two fish, I am done with the...
  16. fish fever

    The Greatest Newbie Mistakes of All Time

    I restarted the hobby for the first time 4 to 5 years ago (I just restarted for the second time 3 months ago), I placed the tank very close to a window for which I did not have any window coverings. Needless to say I had crazy alge problem and tried to move the tank to the other side of the...
  17. fish fever

    Explanation Needed of Nitrogen bubbles in sandbed.

    Originally Posted by dburr Your welcome. Feverfish: Try putting sand in a bag and lowering to the bottom and slowly pour it out or pour it thru a big dia PVC pipe. Either way you will get a sand storm, but it might not be as bad. Turn off power head when you do it, and turn them back on...
  18. fish fever

    Buying Live Rock

    Dory, Please send me the info, too
  19. fish fever


    We have 6 empty shells in the tank. Only one crab exhanged his little house for a larger empty one. The incident happened when we put two new blue-legged ones into the tank. One of these new guys was the aggressor. Are the blue-legged ones more aggressive than others?
  20. fish fever


    I posted this in another thread but want to share it with everyoneand hope to get some support. I have a pistol shrimp and a mantis shrimp in my nano cube. They came with the LR. I can hear the some loud cracking noise. Not sure which one makes the noise. Both of them are dark...