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  1. bailiwick

    Cleaner Clam light requirements?

    [hr] I noticed cleaner clams were reccommended for refugiums. Do they have a lower light requirement than Tridacnas? I read T. Squamosa has lower light requirements than the other Tridacnas. Would the following be sufficient for a Squamosa? I have a 24 gal. nano reef with 50/50 10K PC with 3...
  2. bailiwick

    Cleaner Clam light requirements?

    I noticed cleaner clams were reccommended for refugiums. Do they have a lower light requirement than Tridacnas? I read T. Squamosa has lower light requirements than the other Tridacnas. Would the following be sufficient for a Squamosa? I have a 24 gal. nano reef with 50/50 10K PC with 3...
  3. bailiwick

    I would like to add a Sohal Tang, Please comment

    I have a 100 gallon reef tank with a Desjardini Tang - 6", Fox LO - 5", Scribbled Rabbit - 5", Tomato Clown-female 3", Tomato Clown-male 2", 2 Lyretail Anthias - 3" ea., 2 pajama cardinals(breeding pair) 2" ea., orchid dottyback - 1.5" and 5 blue/green chromis all 2"+. I want to add a Sohal...
  4. bailiwick

    Adding a Sohal Tang, Please comment

    I have a Desjardini Tang - 6", Fox LO - 5", Scribbled Rabbit - 5", Tomato Clown-female 3", Tomato Clown-male 2", 2 Lyretail Anthias - 3" ea., 2 pajama cardinals(breeding pair) 2" ea., orchid dottyback - 1.5" and 5 blue/green chromis all 2"+ in a 100 gallon tank with plenty of live rock. I want...
  5. bailiwick

    What fish to finish my tank?

    This is how I do it. Not promising success. The new tang to be introduced would be a little larger than the tang I have if he were a more docile or less territorial specie and vice a versa. I don't know much about Scopas so I can't make a recommendation on this. Add the new fish in the evening...
  6. bailiwick

    Hippo Tang

    It has been highly recommended to use a hospital tank for 2 to 3 weeks for all fish especially Tangs prior to introducing to show tank. The best remedy for ******, in my experience, has been a fresh water dip.
  7. bailiwick

    Hippo Tang

    I kept one for five years. I donated him to the LFS when I had to move long distance. The reputation I am familiar with is that they are susceptible to saltwater cryptocarion but are themselves resistant to death by this infestation. My experience was, to the best of my memory, that over the...
  8. bailiwick


    My brother has a clown trigger and a sargassmo. The clown is a little bigger than the sargassmo. No problems. He has had success with niger and others. He does things many people can't so no guarantees involved with this response.
  9. bailiwick

    How do you move a 180 gallon tank to another room in your home -need advice please !!

    Develop a relationship with a local aquarium shop and have them keep your livestock during renovation. This can be risky but it is what I did when I had to have my floor repaired. My brother setup a second smaller tank, as a holding tank, in another part of the house but he only needed this for...
  10. bailiwick

    90g reef livestock

    The green mandarin needs established tank with copepods for food source and needs to be removed immediatly if he dies because he contains poison. As a community fish with the others listed he sounds fine.
  11. bailiwick

    What fish to finish my tank?

    I have had success mixing tangs but always of different genuses. I have mixed other fish of the same specie with success but always adding them at the same time. Size of tank is important. My brother has had success mixing triggers, one of which was a Niger. He currently has 4 tangs...
  12. bailiwick

    Copperband Butterfly as deterent to glass anemones?

    Were there LPS corals present?
  13. bailiwick

    Sohal Tang as last fish added

    I have a Desjardini Tang - 6", Fox LO - 5", Scribbled Rabbit - 5", Tomato Clown-female 3", Tomato Clown-male 2", 2 Lyretail Anthias - 3" ea., 2 pajama cardinals(breeding pair) 2" ea., orchid dottyback - 1.5" and 5 blue/green chromis all 2"+ in a 100 gallon tank with plenty of live rock. I want...
  14. bailiwick

    Copperband Butterfly as deterent to glass anemones?

    I have a reef tank with an open brain, brain and pearl bubble, montipora, acropora and buttons and clams. Also, numerous glass anemones. I have seen the Copperband listed as reef compatible: good, with caution and not reef compatible. Based on the several opinions I have read, they are...