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  1. lawliss


    thanks mike ... i appreciate it :) hopefully they will do okay, I checked the water again last night and it's around 10-15 still but i'll do a 10 gallon water change tonight, have to run to walmart so i can get some more ro water, only have around 4 gallons here.
  2. lawliss


    What type of substrate are you using? A protein skimmer is a must!!! I have no Nitrate in my tank even though I kept my tank well fed. My sandbed takes care of the nitrate. Plus the clean up crew eats the rest of the food. .............................. I'm using aragonite live sand and crushed...
  3. lawliss


    when we first started the tank we were giving them one tiny scrape of cyclop eeze ...(the red package) and then we started giving them mysis shrimp .. one square every other day... but I realized that was probably too much food for them because they werent eating it all, so I went to the fish...
  4. lawliss


    Over the weekend I performed a 10 gallon water change, my tank is 4 months old. I have a clown fish, a dwarf angel (CB) and a coral banded shrimp in there. I had checked the water parameters and everything was fine, PH 8.0, Nitrites 0, Ammonia 0 and then the NITRATES were 40. So that is the...
  5. lawliss

    little help

    that works, thankyou
  6. lawliss

    little help

    can someone point me in the right direction, I am trying to find something that would show me what types of fish are ok to put together.(peaceful fish)
  7. lawliss

    question on lights

    alright thanks for letting me know, now one more question were is the best place to get these from
  8. lawliss

    question on lights

    I got a 55 gallon tank came with the light set up, was just wondering can I just buy some better bulbs or do I need to buy a hole new light set up, I want a anenome and I know they need good light so wasnt sure if I could just buy some better bulbs without changing the hood or will better bulbs...
  9. lawliss

    need help 3 dead

    I would hope the tank is fully cycled after 7 months, now that I have done the water change should I wait a couple weeks and monitor the others in the tank before I go getting more, or now that the ammonia is down would I be alright?
  10. lawliss

    need help 3 dead

    yeah I am not going to ever take the chance on just throwing them into the water, now seeing how my bleenie is dead should I get another one to keep the tank clean, is there some type of a vacume system I can purchase to keep the sand clean, or what should be my next step now that my ammonia...
  11. lawliss

    need help 3 dead

    done about 35% of the water and tested and the ammonia is back down to normal and the other fish are still alive hopefully flushing it did the trick, now isnt there something I can get to help, someone had said something to me about a vacume and also some other tool that I could purchase that...
  12. lawliss

    need help 3 dead

    no I got about 120 pound of live rock but been in there since the beginning, will start doing the water change right away, how much of the water should i change out maybe 20 gallons at first, could my wife over feeding them cause this spike in the ammonia and if not what else would cause this
  13. lawliss

    need help 3 dead

    I have had my 55 gallon 7 months now, no problems what so ever until this week, everything is good except my ammonia level is in between .50 and 1.0, have lost a lawnmower blenney,clown,anenome crab, affraid my other clown,angle and anenome are about to be next, any help in fixing this problem...
  14. lawliss

    pacific long tentical anenome

    i dont mean to be rude, but why do you need to know that information. i just wondered if i hand feed it mysis shrimp or if plankton will do. i dont understand why when i post i always get answered with a question.
  15. lawliss

    pacific long tentical anenome

    got this long tentical anenome and was just curious how he is going to get food, my two clown have not taken to him not sure if they will or if it takes time. one of the clowns I have was purchased from the same tank as the anenome at the same time so not as if they dont know what to do.Also I...
  16. lawliss

    percula clown

    yes, we have liverock.. and its a 55 gallon tank, probably 75 lbs of liverock
  17. lawliss

    percula clown

    I got a percula clown and I am new to the saltwater fish stuff, just wondering, what can I put in the tank for the clown to rest on, I dont have good enough light for a anemones, and feel bad it just swims around constantly, any idea or can someone point me in the right direction to find things...
  18. lawliss

    coral banded shrimp

    alright just wanted to make sure there wasnt something worng with my lighting
  19. lawliss

    coral banded shrimp

    why does my coral banded shrimp not move around when the light is on, as soon as I shut it off he starts moving around and being normal,