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  1. shelseavet

    Anemones/ Clownfish 200 gaallon

    Ill prolly put the maroons in their own tank. but on the occelaris tomatoes and true percs would 2 of each get along in the tank if i added them all at the same time? Thanks for the help.
  2. shelseavet

    Anemones/ Clownfish 200 gaallon

    Would it be possible to keep a pair of gold stripe maroons a pair of true percs a pair of occelaris and a pair of tomatoes in a 200 gallon provided that they all have thier own anemones? thanks :help:
  3. shelseavet

    200 gallon lighting

    Hi i have a 200 gallon fresh water tank that i would eventually like to turn into a salltwater tank with live sand, live rock, anemones dwarf pygmy and maybe a queen angel, tangs and clownfish. Now the question for the anemones what is the cheapest lighting i could get. i was thinking of getting...
  4. shelseavet

    true or false...whats the fiff in perc's?

    do true percs get along with false percs
  5. shelseavet


    on the box it also says 175 watts per bulb of incadesent light would that be the wattage or would 40 be the wattage
  6. shelseavet


    40 watts each bulb yes it is the fixture that came with the tank it is a 55 gallon
  7. shelseavet


    The box says 40 watts the ballast holds two bulbs
  8. shelseavet


    How do you determine the amount of watts you have total
  9. shelseavet


    How do you determine the amount of output light (watts per gallon) for a light bulb.
  10. shelseavet

    Bubble Tip Anemone lighting

    what if i used corallife bulbs?
  11. shelseavet

    Bubble Tip Anemone lighting

    if i do decide to use a regular fixture for an anemone would it be better to have reguular flouresent light bulbs=white or coralife light bulbs= purplish color or would it be better to use one of each in a two bulbed fixture?
  12. shelseavet

    Bubble Tip Anemone lighting

    When you say wattage do you mean the bulb wattage or the output? Because the regular light bulbs are 40 watt but they put out 175 watts of light (incandesent).
  13. shelseavet

    Dwarf angels& Tangs

    How many dwarf angels could i keep in a 200 gallon tank if i add them all at the same time? How many tangs?
  14. shelseavet

    Bubble Tip Anemone lighting

    For a bubble tipped anemone in a 55 should i have flourescent light bulbs or coral life light bulgbs? All i have is aregular light fixture(cheapy comes with 55 gallon tank kit) that fits two bulbs but ive been reading and a lot of people say btas will do good with bright flourecent lighting is...
  15. shelseavet

    Bubble Tip Anemone lighting

    For a bubble tipped anemone in a 55 should i have flourescent light bulbs or coral life light bulgbs? All i have is aregular light fixture(cheapy comes with 55 gallon tank kit) that fits two bulbs but ive been reading and a lot of people say btas will do good with bright flourecent lighting is...
  16. shelseavet

    Are anemones poisionus?

    i heard in one of these posts that an anemone died and while the person was trying to take it out of the tank i guess it broke apart killing every thing in the tank in less than 5 minutes.
  17. shelseavet

    Are anemones poisionus?

    If and anemone dies will it really poison/kill all the tanks inhabitants?
  18. shelseavet

    Anemone Help

    Eventually i am going to set up my 200 gal as saltwater. I was just wondering on dwarf angels can you put more than one per tank if so how? and i was also wondering the same thing about tangs. Ive heard that they will fight if you put more than one. but what if you put them in at the same time.
  19. shelseavet

    Anemone Help

    The anemone died last night i think i cooked it. last night when i checked the heat pad it wasnt really making very much heat but this morning the water was too hot. i got a really good deal on it like 30 dollars. what kind of lighting do i need? i just have 2 of the cheezy lights that come with...
  20. shelseavet

    Anemone Help

    Im not really sure what kind of lighting it is but it is very bright. the foods you suggested before can i get them at my lfs?