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  1. clamdigger

    55 Reef

    having some trouble w/ the blurr---can ya tell????
  2. clamdigger

    55 Reef

    55 reef, 4 months old , just got a digital camera, to post picks
  3. clamdigger

    First picture post---hope it works

    Here are some more pics....will take any advice you have thanks
  4. clamdigger

    First picture post---hope it works

    Yes---about 3-4 months the rocks on the other end look much better----thats why I put the clam on this end---to add color
  5. clamdigger

    First picture post---hope it works

    Crocea clam!! :cheer: :jumping:
  6. clamdigger

    Power Heads

    Is there a such thing as too much water flow my yellow polyps are really moving??? I have a aquaclear 70power head(400gph) aaquaclear 50(270gph) and a aquaclear 110 mech filter think it doea about 300....55reef
  7. clamdigger

    Aarow Crabs??

    Are aarow crabs really reef safe, mine seems to be carrying the carcass of a hermit crab????? :notsure:
  8. clamdigger

    water changes

    When doing a weekly water change is it better to "vacuum the bottom" or just pull the water out of the tank???? :notsure:
  9. clamdigger

    Raspberry red algae?

    I am suddenly developing a "raspberry" red colored algae looking stuff in my 55 reef, shows up during the day and gets eaten at night by cleanup crew..... what the heck is it :notsure: , can I make it go away???
  10. clamdigger

    anybody wanna help me build my reef tank fish list. i need some help

    A lawnmower blenny would be a great idea for algae control
  11. clamdigger

    X-Mas came early for me.

    Damn, that many tanks is he a thief????????lol just kidding!
  12. clamdigger

    live rock /calcium

    I am however adding calcium and magnesium with each water change, not sure if it is needed , but it seems to help
  13. clamdigger

    live rock /calcium

    I have about 30 lbs of "dead rock" from a prior tank...I now have a 55 reef with those rocks in it, I have added 45 lbs of cured fiji to it and I am already starting to see coraline on my old rock after only 2 months, so it will come back with time....
  14. clamdigger

    Water movement???????????

    I am adding polyps on that is good to know...If I add another powerhead and move from my Mech filter towards the middle of my tank will it still filter ok?
  15. clamdigger

    Water movement???????????

    I cureently have an aqua clear 70 powerhead in my 55 reef, should I add a second one at the opposite end?????? ....also have a aquaclear 110 mech. filter
  16. clamdigger

    Water change??

    Thanks, I am doing 10% every other week and it doesn't seem to be enough
  17. clamdigger

    Water change??

    How often should you do a water change in a 55 reef????
  18. clamdigger

    Beth are you out there?

    Too late she died, I'm not sure what happened... everyone else is fine!!???
  19. clamdigger

    Beth are you out there?

    Hey beth, I was asking about my hippo last night....She eats ok I guess she doesn't come out when I feed pellet...should I be feeding seaweed????? Her swollen area is smaller today but I think she scraped it against the rocks ...
  20. clamdigger

    Blue hippo sick??????????

    She is swollen just around the anal region kinda whitish looking but now that you mention it it could look white because her skin is stretched....any suggestions?