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  1. jjjoey

    Starting a 30 gallon long, lots of questions

    actually thinking about keeping my 20gallon and fixing it up.
  2. jjjoey

    Starting a 30 gallon long, lots of questions

    30 gallon long ProjectI am planning on selling my 55 and 20 gallon reefs so i can make a 30 gallon long. I'm doing this because i will be moving a lot within the next couple of years and a 30 gallon would be a lot easier to move and maintain than a 55.The only piece of equipment I'm keeping is...
  3. jjjoey

    Video of My Coral Reef Aquarium

    i think im going to make a video of my 20 gallon long before i sell it
  4. jjjoey

    Video of My Coral Reef Aquarium

    Originally Posted by OleMiss Impressive video. Tank looks great. thanks
  5. jjjoey

    Video of My Coral Reef Aquarium

    Originally Posted by TANG4me Awesome video and tank! What type of bulbs do you have in your system? Color looks great. 54W Pure Actinic 03 T5 HO Fluorescent (Giesemann) 54W 75/25 14000K AquaBlue T5 HO Fluorescent (UV lighting) 54W Blue Plus T5 HO Fluorescent (ATI) 54W 12000K Aquablue Special...
  6. jjjoey

    Video of My Coral Reef Aquarium

    middle georgia
  7. jjjoey

    Video of My Coral Reef Aquarium

    This is a video of my 55 Gallon Coral Reef Aquarium. I have been in the saltwater fish hobby for 6 years. The aquarium is operated by a Reef Keeper 2 Computer System by Digital Aquatics and is lit by a Sunlight Supply Tek Light 6 x 54 watt t5ho fixture. I hope you enjoy the video and feel free...
  8. jjjoey

    Video of my 55 Gallon Reef

    also about to start a video of my 20g long
  9. jjjoey

    Timelapse Video of my Toadstool Opening

    i think my starry night sps is bothering my toadstool : /
  10. jjjoey

    Timelapse Video of my Toadstool Opening

    im thinking of doing a GSP opening time lapse but idk when they are ever closed except at night
  11. jjjoey

    Timelapse Video of my Toadstool Opening

    This is another one of my older videos, just wanted to share enjoy (my tank is now rid of that nasty hair-algae that you can see in the video)
  12. jjjoey

    Video of my 55 Gallon Reef

    thanks! i am going to make a new video soon to show the grow out
  13. jjjoey

    Video of my 55 Gallon Reef

    lol no one?
  14. jjjoey

    Video of my 55 Gallon Reef

    its an older video, but i thought maybe someone might enjoy it
  15. jjjoey

    Tek light problem, please help!

    still have no idea what the problem is :( everything looks in place
  16. jjjoey

    Tek light problem, please help!

    ok just took it apart... only 2 huge ballasts.. so if one of the ballasts were out the front and back bulbs or the center 4 bulbs shoudl be out... but only part of the center bulbs are out :( im confused
  17. jjjoey

    Tek light problem, please help!

    I have 55 gallon, with a 6x 54 watt tek light fixture. i haven't even had the fixture a year, i come home today and 2 bulbs are i was like dangit they blew..but i put 2 new bulbs in...and still wont come on is it the ballast or could it be something else? There is two switches on the...
  18. jjjoey

    Saltwater fish hobby descriptive essay

    Since i have until tuesday im still brainstorming. I think im going to do a chronological organization and write 3 body paragraphs to represent the 3 times of day... morning afternoon and night and what happens in the tank during each time.. what should i include during the times :D Morning...
  19. jjjoey

    RO water smells?!?!

    i replaced the filter about a month or two ago. I keep the ro unit in my garage and the water never smelled until like last week. It's a weird smell like i guess fishy nasty smell hah idk
  20. jjjoey

    RO water smells?!?!

    idk wut to do my ro water is smelly....should i use it?