RO water smells?!?!


Active Member
Smelly like what....sewer, fishy smell, ex-girlfriend??? No, RO water should not have a smell.

small triggers

Active Member
never use anything that smells...if you have an RO unit and the water is smelly coming out, check your water out of your faucet, check the filters and check the intake and expelling lines


Active Member
i replaced the filter about a month or two ago. I keep the ro unit in my garage and the water never smelled until like last week. It's a weird smell like i guess fishy nasty smell hah idk


Definatley a problem with the filters, make sure you've got 'em seated properly, otherwise you may leak waste water into the purified water, which is what is sounds like.
definatley sounds like a filter pull is in order.


I have a similar issue. The water is odorless coming out of the filter, but if it sits in the rubbermaid container in my very hot garage for a few days, I notice a smell. Not horrible, but noticeable if I hold it next to my nose. It doesn't happen in the winter.


Originally Posted by JJJoey
idk wut to do my ro water is smelly....should i use it?
check for mice... we have mice in our garage. mice drink water. mice get into things that they cannot get out of. mice die... and sink to the bottom.
i think you should check for mice...