Search results

  1. i<3fish

    Plate Corals!

  2. i<3fish

    young reefers tank contest

    24g Aquapod with 150w Sunpod MH. 14k bulb. I am 15
  3. i<3fish

    Fission skimmer

    The Fissions are terrible. They dont collect anything but water, they pour microbubbles into the tank, and the filter around the top needs to be replaced every week or the thing overflow. It is a complete waste of money.
  4. i<3fish

    What is your favorite SPS coral?

    Mine has got to be the Marshall Islands
  5. i<3fish

    Clown Trigger

    I have a 3" one and he picks on my 5" Porcupine puffer. The puffer is so scared of him that he stay near the top of the tank to get away from the trigger. He is a bully!
  6. i<3fish

    Queen Angel In A 240gal?

    A lot of people seem to look upon these fish as pets. To me it's just a display. Wow... that is the meanest thing (to fish) I have ever heard. I would get too attached to a fish to just trade one in every few weeks. I used to think you were an OK person. But now I will never be able to look at...
  7. i<3fish

    Tank stand

    Havent replied to this thread in awhile, but I am building my stand very soon. It is for a 240g. Now I am wondering if I will need 4 2x4's going upright or can I get away with 3 like SOU812's stand? Thanks
  8. i<3fish

    Orange Shoulder Tang ANYONE!!!

    Wow! That is a beautiful fish! I am really looking forward to getting mine for my 240g. Are they aggressive? You made it sound like they were when I thought all along that they were super peaceful! lol!
  9. i<3fish

    Orange Shoulder Tang ANYONE!!!

    Doesnt anyone have a Orange Shoulder Tang? I have been looking over forums all week, and havent found 1 person with one. If you have one, please post as many pics as possible of it. Close and far. Thanks!
  10. i<3fish

    Orange Toad fish

    Sorry to be OT but can I see more pics of your Oragne Shoulder Tang? I am thinking of buying on, but have never seen what they look like in an aquarium. Thanks
  11. i<3fish

    List sound okay?

    Yeah, I have been thinking about that. Instead of the cleaner fish, I am just going to get 4 Cleaner Shimps. I am going to replace the Clown Tang with a Queen Angel, and add an Orange Shoulder Tang (I have always wanted one).
  12. i<3fish

    List sound okay?

    Well, I really like Clown Triggers. So I definatly want one of those. I have always also wanted a Clown Tang. So I guess I will have to decide on that. I also just changed and added a French Angel to my list. So it will be something like this: -Clown Trigger -Emperor Angel -French Angel...
  13. i<3fish

    2700 gallon aquarium pics

    What I dont understand is why is hasnt yet posted up any new pics!!!
  14. i<3fish

    List sound okay?

    I dont mean to start an argument... thats just what I believe. Hmm... did I say that? No. So dont try and start something. I am done with this thread. Just delete it. It isnt going anywhere
  15. i<3fish

    List sound okay?

    I understand what your trying to get at, but sharks and fish do not think like us. Sure they may feel cramped (not saying I am buying the shark), but they also do not think about being clostraphobic, ect. I dont mean to start an argument... thats just what I believe.
  16. i<3fish

    Ahhhh!!! Algea!!!!!

    I am running my lights about 11 hours a day or so. I do use RO/DI water though. For top-off and water changes.
  17. i<3fish

    List sound okay?

    I understand now! You mean it as in he will have to stop in order to turn aound (as stated above). The shark should be able to go in something like a big circle? Ok... I get it now!
  18. i<3fish

    Ahhhh!!! Algea!!!!!

    I hate algea soo much!!!! It makes me want to just give up! My sand bed is pretty much covered in cyano (feeding 1 cube of mysis every other day. I have a Tek 4 bulb 48" fixture that I purchased recently. Also, my rocks are pretty much covered with hair algea. It is all over my glass, all over...
  19. i<3fish

    List sound okay?

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz Are you kidding? Why would I be kidding. If the width of the tank is the length of the blasted shark, then how would it be hard for it to turn around! Thats like having a 4 ft. snake put into a tank that is lets say 9'x4'. Would it be hard for it to turn around...
  20. i<3fish

    List sound okay?

    Well a 30" shark would easily be able to turn around is a 30" wide tank.