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  1. kjorg

    sick sebae

    nitrates 0, nitirites 0, ph 8.2, ammonia almost 0, phosphates .05...i did however have a slight issue with lighting but purchased a new light with 65 watts each daylight and blue actinic bulbs. same as i had before with him for 10 months or so. i did add a cinamon clown to the tank bu the...
  2. kjorg

    sick sebae

    My Sebea seems to be not eating. It was doing very well for a year or so and now it grabs the shrimp that i feed it and lets go after 10 minutes or so. is there any thing i can do to get it;s appetite back?
  3. kjorg


    Anyone have suggestions on moving a 30 gallon tank with some clowns and fire shrimp live sand and live rock? we are moving roughly 5 miles. i don't have anyhting to cycle new water or anyhting. do i just transport the old water in buckets and reset everytin gup?
  4. kjorg

    sebae anenome

    I am new at this. i have a 28 gallon tank with a clown. i JUST purchased a sebae anenome. when i came home from work teh next day it was all shriveld up and deflated. is this normal?..should i do anything? my water parameters are nitrate 0 nitrite 0 amonia 0 temp 78-79 salt is 1.021 i have...
  5. kjorg

    Sick CLown???

    yes he eats frozen and flake.
  6. kjorg

    Sick CLown???

    I have a ocellaris clown fish. 30 gallon tank 5 months old. from day 1 this clown found a corner and hovers in it. but does not move out of it all day long. he swims in it facing upwards and swims up...and drops...swims up and drops..over and over and over. OR he'll just turn head down and not...
  7. kjorg

    beginner lighting needs

    I am new to this hobby but enjoying it. I have a 28 gallon tank i have an odyssea 24 inch compact light with 1 65 w daylight bulb and 1 65 wat UV bulb. is this enough light for anenomes and things living in my live rock?