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  1. <3thefish

    comments on ball joint plumbing vs. vynal tubbing

    Re type it (grammar), I kinda got what you where asking...
  2. <3thefish

    how well does UV sterilizers work anyone have one?

    UV wont prevent ich, but it can help. Its good to clear up your water and help prevent different parasites. Some people say they are a waste of money. They can be if you buy one that is not big enough or you put to much flow into it. Your better off buying a really good skimmer, then if you have...
  3. <3thefish

    algea problems

    I have long green algea over some of the rocks and back glass. Some of it has a brown tint, but still mostly green. I have high water movement. whats the best way to get rid of it.
  4. <3thefish

    Brown Algae, dead fish??

  5. <3thefish

    Brown Algae, dead fish??

    PH 8.2 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5 Ammonia 0.3 Also, Sundays are the days I do 10% weekly water changes, So sometime today I will be doing that
  6. <3thefish

    Brown Algae, dead fish??

    I have to run to the store real quick, I will get readings when I get back. tank is a 90g
  7. <3thefish

    Brown algae, dead fish??!!

    The last few days Ive notices brown algae starting up, not a lot but noticeable. This morning when I woke up my tang was dead. He hadn;t been acting sick . He was eating fine but was not swiming as much, but not anything to worry about becasue he was eating (so i thought) None of the other fish...
  8. <3thefish

    Brown Algae, dead fish??

    The last few days Ive notices brown algae starting up, not a lot but noticeable. This morning when I woke up my tang was dead. He hadn;t been acting sick . He was eating fine but was not swiming as much, but not anything to worry about becasue he was eating (so i thought) None of the other fish...
  9. <3thefish

    First corals today :-)

    I just finished acclimating my first 3 corals and last fish I plann on putting in my tank. Tommorow when the lights come on I will post pics.
  10. <3thefish

    house remodeling tank

    yes, its most likey 4 65wt Power Compacts (PC) its not enough light you need to go with MH (metal Halides)
  11. <3thefish


    Originally Posted by bluegirl ok, are you guys trying to scare me? I ran hot water over it and it's ok, the redness is starting to fade some but the bumps are still there. I may have had scratches on my arms, but I doubt it. Next time I'll just wear gloves when working, I always have to learn...
  12. <3thefish

    Fuge Contents

    Are you supposed to add a small clean up crew in a fuge?
  13. <3thefish

    Brown dirt

    My camera isn;t working. But its not on anything but the bottom of the tank on the sand. Its kinda flaky and its not in sheets covering the lr ot glass like green or reg algae. It just looks like dirt and its mostly under the lr when i move it. Ive heard that lr poops just like fish, is that...
  14. <3thefish

    Brown dirt

    When I move my lr around or clean, there is a lot of this brown dirt laying on the bottom of my tank. If u kick it up it makes a huge mess and make the water cloudy, plus it just look bad when it settles. What is it? Should I siphon it out during weekly water changes? Is there a way to keep it...
  15. <3thefish

    150g stock list & Equimpent??

    So the stock list will work :cheer:
  16. <3thefish

    SKIMMER Question.

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman Are you just getting clear water? mostly. Its always made lots of foam in the chamber, and for awhile it was collecting nasty water, but now even after I have turned it down, it only seems to collect clean water. the waste water just is "cloudy/dirty" not the...
  17. <3thefish

    SKIMMER Question.

    Hi, I have a G2 Skimmer, and I was just wondering why it is making so much white foam. I have it turned down all the way. What should I do? The collection cup is very clean, and for a while it was very very dark.
  18. <3thefish

    Live Rock now dead???

    So the ammonia is coming from the dieing LR and algae?
  19. <3thefish

    Live Rock now dead???

    Ive been using RO water from my personal unit. I bought RO water yesterday so Id have enought to do an water change asap.
  20. <3thefish

    Live Rock now dead???

    thxs again everyone