Search results

  1. bergovoy

    Red Slime..Going on 5 months!

    Your corals will not like the lack of light, but even in nature, there are times when full sunlight is not available. I would suggest at least a day of no artificial light and if you can see a difference after that day, then you know it is a function of lighting. Then just find the right...
  2. bergovoy

    Red Slime..Going on 5 months!

    Hello, What is your water temp? And your lighting schedule? I would suggest cutting out all artificial lighting. I would guess your water temp is also never below borderline high. If you stop all artificial lighting, I would venture a guess of a clean tank in 3-4 days. I also believe the...
  3. bergovoy

    Question about chillers

    thx lefty
  4. bergovoy

    Question about chillers

    I use a LFS that has no clue, (In Pasadena). Even different sales personnel give contradictory advise. Any suggestions on a store in the Pasadena, Arcadia area? (PS, I did not post the name of the store for two reasons, one is to not offend anyone that does go there, and two to see if it is...
  5. bergovoy

    Taking a poll...Coral Banded Shrimp, A good thing??

    Originally Posted by mudplayerx My CBS tries to start a fight when I put my hand into the tank, but he never actually pinches. The pair of CBS that I have dont snap at my hand but will climb on it when I stick my hand in the tank. I think it is kind neat when they do. The only thing that snaps...
  6. bergovoy

    Taking a poll...Coral Banded Shrimp, A good thing??

    I have two CBS in one tank and one in the other tank. The pair of CBS are thriving and have grown to almost twice thier orignal size, (shedded thier shells 4-5 times each). They are very playful, and it is neat to watch them go after food, they swim upside down to the top of the tank and grab...
  7. bergovoy

    Need Id

    Hello, I too have tiny white dots, but they are more noticable on the gray inlet tube and black cover for my circulating pump. There are some white specs on the corner of the glass near the inlet tube on the silicone area. I had assumed that they were some form on excrement from the snails or...
  8. bergovoy

    Live Rock now dead???

    First off, HELLO ALL. Second, I have two 55g tanks, with similar setups, both are now FOWLR, but one will become a Reef tank. They are both 8 months old this week. I had different problems in either tank. The first problem was CYANO break out in one tank only. I used several different...