Search results

  1. goldfinger

    Is this an Aiptasia? (pic)

    Once they multiply in and amongst the live rock you wont be able to find them to kill them with Joe's Juice or anything else. Then they get into your overflow chambers, your sump/refugium and pretty soon the only way to get rid of them is remove everything live in the tank/s. Fil the ltanks...
  2. goldfinger

    Aquaripure Denitrator

    Interested to find out about successfull nitrate reduction using the aquaripure Denitrarator. What were the conditions in the aquarium prior to start up of the Aquaripure. Did the Aquairpure work for you? Nitrate reading prior to start up? Bio Load - number of fish, their size's and gallons...
  3. goldfinger

    451$$ electric bill???

    you think your bill is high? I will trade you any day! of course my bill is self inflicted. My biggest power usage is because of aquarium heating. Here in the mountains it gets pretty cold with snow in the winter. Part of my aquarium system (120 + 70 + 30 sump) is in the UNHEATED garage with a...
  4. goldfinger

    bristle worm invasion

    Thanks for the info. on the dotty back. I did try 1 some time ago in 1 of the tanks with a bicolor blenny in in the tank. The bicolor beat the brown stuff out of the dotty back and I could never catch it because of the LR so eventually it went to dotty back great aquarium in the sky. The 120g...
  5. goldfinger

    bristle worm invasion

    In my earlier post I did say that I feed the fish "a variety of frozen shrimp". There are 5 different formulas of frozen shrimp that I use. The flake food is my own mixture of carnivore and hirbivore flakes that feeds all of the fish. In nature in the ocean the critters are living in a sea of...
  6. goldfinger

    current usa powerbrite LED lights

    thanks for the reply on the LED lights! Looking at the mfg. info. it did not seem right to me that they could offer a PC or MH light replacement for so low a cost. Your reply makes more sence. (or would that be cents or sents)? Maybe thats why the mfg. info. is limited in the product...
  7. goldfinger

    bristle worm invasion

    My guess is that the shear number of worms = 100's + 100's add greatly to the bio load of the tank system. That many worms erases any advantage they may have in cleaning and aerating the gravel. Also just found Pseudochromis fridmani - the Orchid Dottyback. This fish looks like a good tankmate...
  8. goldfinger

    current usa powerbrite LED lights

    thanks for the reply, where did you find the info on the powerbrite lights? I could not find anything anywhere that described the function of them. some comments I read appear to indicate that the LED lights are replacements for PC and MH.
  9. goldfinger

    bristle worm invasion

    the 3 tanks (all overflow to 1 common sump) have been set up and running since feb. 2006. I feed a small pinch of flake food in the a.m. another small pinch at noon and a variety of frozen brine shrimp at 4:00 p.m.
  10. goldfinger

    bristle worm invasion

    the yellow tang is a herbivore ???? will it eat meat like worms???? what is a "CBS" thanks for the reply.
  11. goldfinger

    bristle worm invasion

    thanks for the info. the sixline wrasse will probably eat the 2 types of shrimp in the tank. and I will do more reading on the arrow crabs.
  12. goldfinger

    current usa powerbrite LED lights

    Anybody useing the new powerbrite LED lights in lieu of MH or PC? Not much info about them available from the manufacturer current usa. Looks to good to be true.
  13. goldfinger

    bristle worm invasion

    I have a 120g FOWLR that is infested with 100's of bristle worms. With so many worms trapping them would be out of the question. I know there are some fish that would eat the worms. Would like recommendations of all worm eating fish so that I could choose the best fish for my tank mates.
  14. goldfinger

    how to post a photo????

    OK all you photo guru's. I tried to post a photo on the fish discussion board and was not able to. I received a message that max. photo size is 976.6 kb. And my jpg. photo is 2.35 mb. How do i put 2.35 pounds in a 1.00 lb bag?
  15. goldfinger

    photo file size to large?

    How do I upload a photo to my new thread? tried and message said: photo file size to large, maximum for this is 976.6 KB. My photo I am trying to upload to thread is 2.35 MB.
  16. goldfinger

    My first live rock growth - what is it?

    I have read that pepermint shrimp will eat aipstia. also one of the butterfly fish the copperbanded butterfly fish is supposed to eat aipstia. the copperbannded is a difficult fish to keep and may eat some corals. there may be other critters that eat aipstia. try starting another thread with...
  17. goldfinger

    whats the white stuff?

    i do not use any medications to treat my new fish. dont believe in 1/2 the stuff they sell that is supposed to work. I did not tell you some of the other bonus features of the 70g quaranteen tank. now that my system is set up I do not have to use the 70g much for a quaranteen purpose. its set...
  18. goldfinger

    My first live rock growth - what is it?

    some people may like the aiptasia. to each his own. in my tank there were thousands of them and they were in and on anything. you cant kill them. dont try scrapeing them off the glass. for each cut/broken piece you make you make more aiptasia. every day i used joes juice on the ones i could...
  19. goldfinger

    whats the white stuff?

    what i read about the uv light is that at a specific reduced flow rate it will kill all micro organisms and parasites that are exposed to the uv. I have the return overflow running at the uv light manufactures recommendation that should do the job. however this is an experiment. should i get...
  20. goldfinger

    My first live rock growth - what is it?

    If you even think you have 1 aiptasi get it out right now. Joes Juice will work if you dont wait to long and they multiply and get into/onto everything. I have a 120g tank that started a aiptasi invasion, and thats what it was, a full blown tank invasion. they came with the last piece of rock...