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  1. centropyge

    What goes good with a humu-humu trigger?

    In a 55 you have limited stocking room! A large trigger produces alot of waste. And everybody who has kept a trigger, regardless of species, know that each trigger has a mind of its own! I've had cables chewed through, arms nipped, and numerous tankmates devoured keeping queens, clowns, and...
  2. centropyge

    Angelfish Compatibility

    It should work provided that your tank is big enough! As stated earlier they are from different genera so they should get along alright. Just keep an eye out for any harassment from the larger flagfin! Whats the tak size and what are the other inhabitatants?
  3. centropyge

    Feeding trouble

    Until you can wean him over you should soak the brine shrimp in selcon, so that he will get some nutrition from that! It might be kinda hard to wean him over though, as butterflies are finicky eaters. But nothing beats seeing the lfs feed the fish, something other than brine shrimp, to make sure...
  4. centropyge

    One more fishie???

    Maybe a small wrasse, blenny or goby. Hawkfish might work but at a risk to your shrimp & crabs. You could also try a royal gramma or a blackcap basslet or a couple of damsels! Oh and all fish will jump!
  5. centropyge

    I dont know what fish to add :-(

    I'd go with a six-line wrasse or a blenny or goby! You could also possibly get a shrimp goby and the matching shrimp and add some excitement to the tank! :thinking: