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  1. sasquatch

    Leveling the Tank

    I've also heard that you should use hardwood shims because softwood will eventually get crushed under the weight of the water. I found some mahogany slats of wood at a local hobby shop that worked great. In my case, my floor was perfectly level. However the stand was not! Jim...
  2. sasquatch

    RO/DI - Asking for opinions

    I found one for $219.95. E-mail me if you're interested jimurban at mindspring dot com Jim
  3. sasquatch

    Pics of my tank... (long)

    Could you e-mail me the link too? Thanks! Jim
  4. sasquatch

    Is Bak-Pak 2 enough?

    Thanks for the info everyone! I think I'll probably stick some mechanical filtration on as well. Jim
  5. sasquatch

    Is Bak-Pak 2 enough?

    I'm setting up a 55g FO tank. I would like to avoid putting in a sump and was wondering if a CPR Bak-Pak 2 would be enough filtration. I was also planning on adding some powerheads for increased circulation. Could I had some filter floss above the bio-balls for additional mechanical...
  6. sasquatch

    If money is no object, what is perfect setup?

    A voluptuous blonde diving buddy who lives with me on my own private Caribbean island. Yes, that would be the perfect setup if money was no object. ;) Jim